Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
4 min readOct 12, 2021

As a network marketer, there are certain statements that kill your chances of recruiting a new partner more than it increases them. And as someone who is contemplating joining a company, you should either ignore this advice or suggestions or let them be a red flag to you.

Starting out in Network Marketing, here are a couple of things I was told by various recruiters from different companies.

Please note: These are a couple I am putting down as a guide to you if you are just starting out or for you to avoid and also know how wrong it is.

YOU CAN DO THIS FULL TIME: Nope, you can’t! This only works if you have a backup. The backup could be your spouse, your family, etc. The reason is that in Network Marketing, you can’t become an instant millionaire and if you have responsibility (as am sure you do), you will need to take care of that. You have bills to pay, you need to buy data and airtime to stay connected with your audience, if you don’t have a backup, you become desperate. When you are desperate, you tell lies, make mistakes and say just about anything to get someone to sign up or you quit. So no, you need a job or another business that can support it, especially at the initial stage.

YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO MUCH: This is literally like saying: it is easy to succeed. Again, wrong! Network Marketing is one of the most difficult models of business because it will literally transform you from who you think you are, to who you actually are and then to who you are meant to be. And these changes are not funny. So if you are not ready to go through it, if you are not to ‘do much’ especially in terms of learning, implementing, failing, and learning again, then please don’t do Network Marketing.

I WILL HOLD YOU BY THE HAND AND WORK WITH YOU: Okay, one thing about promises is that we don’t forget how we feel about them. This is a line I have used myself and I have realized that it is often lost in translation.

When you say this, the prospect hears this:

I will always be there for you whenever you need me. I will also provide everything you need to succeed in this business. So if you don’t succeed, then it will be my fault”

Now, do you see what I mean? So it is advisable that you are as clear as possible especially when making promises to a new partner.

I will show you exactly what I do and teach you how to do more to achieve more than I am achieving. If you implement them, I assure you, you will succeed beyond your dreams in this business.

Now that is better.

I MAKE WEEKLY 6-FIGURES AND I JUST JOINED: Now the moment the person starts calling huge numbers in a short time, ask again! I have had a recruiter who told me that he makes over a million bucks weekly in a company he joined less than 4 months ago. When I asked him to prove it, he couldn’t. Someone that truly makes that amount will tell you how he did it and also share with you a sort of proof. If someone (probably your own upline) makes that amount and you want to use her testimony as proof, then don’t hesitate to point it out. Also, point out the fact that you are not making that yet but because you are doing what your upline does, you are confident you will soon start making what she is making. If you want, you can sight both your earnings and then your uplines. Your prospect will appreciate the authenticity and also be able to relate to you.

OUR PRODUCTS CURES ALL THINGS CURABLE: If you are in the supplement industry, no matter how organic you claim your products are, it doesn’t cure ALL things. Unless you are in the CBD or Stem cell business, most products take care of a thing or two. But no products cure everything! A product can help with more than one ailment but not that it helps with a bazillion of ailments or situations. I know a Stem cell product that helps people with systemic issues such as Diabetes and Hypertension (It helps to regulate the sugar/BP so that your medication can work better), arthritis, and a couple of other health challenges and actually does work. So stick to the exact solution your product provides and don’t overhype them

As a newbie, I recommend you ignore these statements and let them be a red flag to you whenever a Network Marketer mentions them.

As a Network Marketer, know your business, know your company and be careful with the promises you make to your prospect. The greatest commodity in sales is trust and you don’t want to lose this with your audience.

So build with integrity and consistency. It may take time but the right people will find you and it will be worth it.

To your Success!

