Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
5 min readApr 26, 2021

And you can too!

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Is it really possible to guarantee this?

Definitely! It has happened before, it is still happening. Big companies know this and they are utilizing it to double and triple their revenue. I bet your company also does the same.

So how do I, a Network marketer, get my prospect to say yes to me even before I present my business to her?

Before I answer that, let me say this: This took me about a year to learn, and prior to this time, I was doing more of a ‘spray and pray kind of marketing. I was all over social media with the name of my company at every turn. I was not on Instagram. I had no plan nor vision other than qualifying for the next promotion or achieving the next rank.

My business life was all about my company.

It was pretty straight forward and you can bet me that I wasn’t getting many sign-ups nor tractions.

I wasn’t getting visibility outside my company.

I wasn’t excited nor inspired.

I was more discouraged because the result I was seeing was not encouraging at all compared to the work I was putting in.

Then it all changed when I understood the impact personal branding has on business.

Now, remember I said I spent over a year screaming about my company on social media. So if you search for me, all you will see is “my company this, come and join me that”. But when I realized I needed to brand myself as a person, as an entrepreneur, as a Network Marketer, It was tough as I had no idea where to begin.

I decided to take classes on personal branding and a lot of what I saw was all about logos, colors, fonts so I took that up.

I quickly got a logo (which I hate now).

I choose colors that don’t reflect who I want to become.

I choose fonts that my then graphic designer (whom I later discovered was not a graphic designer) told me was pretty and has nothing to do with my personality.

I spent another 1-year doing things that weren’t me, getting little or no result. I wasn’t screaming about my company and I was ‘branding’ myself.

Well, one good thing that came out of it was that I joined Instagram even though it took me a year to get 150 followers (2019).

By the end of that year, I was at my wit’s end. I was tired of following people’s instructions that were not working for me so I stopped.

For a month, I took a break and decided to figure out exactly what I want, who I want to become, what my vision is for myself and my business. After a month, I couldn’t figure out everything but I did figure out one thing: What I don’t want for myself.

So I decided to build my business exactly the way I would like it to be.

I stopped talking too much about my company and started talking about me. I stopped asking people to join my business but started educating and informing people how the industry works. I began to think more of ‘How do I help’ than ‘How do I gain’

In early 2020, things began to shift. My Instagram went from 151 followers to over 1000 without my conscious effort. My Facebook audience grew exponentially.

The more I do, the more I figured out what works and what didn’t work.

My brand color changed 5 times since then until I finally settled for red (personal brand). I began to build a community of Ambitious Network Marketers both on Facebook and on Instagram and our membership is almost two thousand.

I spend less time prospecting and more time serving and there is no week, I don’t get an average of 4 new partners all of whom told me, ‘I want to work with you even before I present the business opportunity to them.

I make sales of products to an average of 7 customers every week.

I am now more focused because I now know what I want, what my vision is and I know what I stand for.

So how do I guarantee a ‘yes’ from a prospect even before I show her my business opportunity?

By coming from a place of service.

By coming from a place of ‘solving a challenge that she has’ sometimes even before she realizes that she has them.

By getting her to know me, if possible like me, and they trust me enough to know that I have the solution to her need.

And all this, I couldn’t do while focusing on the next rank, the next qualifications, and other incentives from my company.

I focused more on my prospect, her needs, her dreams, and her pains.

I researched about her and what she would like to have or not to have.

I share information and content that will help her.

And when she sees my content and it resonates with her and she googles me up on social media, she sees me for who I am and not my company.

She sees me as someone who can help her and who has the information she needs. It then becomes easier to connect with her.

I have gotten more results and fulfillment since I began to build my business authentically and from a place of making a difference.

And now, my objection and rejection rate has gone down as my success rate improves daily.

So look at your social media profile and timelines and ask yourself: How does my prospect see me? Do they see me or do they see my company?

If your answer is the latter, then you need to work on your business profile because, at the end of the day, people join people and not companies.

PS: Just changed the ugly logo to a better one finally. And this one is totally me! lol

PSS: I am putting together an amazingly free and value-packed workshop for Network Marketers who wants to take their business to the next level. Check it out here.

