How I keep a good Momentum While Building My Business

Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
3 min readFeb 1, 2021

Starting a business out of passion is great but without momentum, you can get easily discouraged and lose your drive.

This article is to show you what I did to build and maintain my drive and zeal, which led to my business growth and wealth.

The number one thing that young entrepreneurs struggle with when it comes to business is not knowing who to listen to and most of us end up listening to everybody via social media and become overwhelmed and probably end up frustrated. That happened to me and it really affected my zeal.

I spent over a year consuming information, watching videos, buying courses. Each of them left me just a little better than the other for a few days and then am back to my old discouraged and confused self.

Until I discovered that as an entrepreneur, the number one person I should listen to was ME

My instincts

My guts

And then my mentor (For each stage)

I know some people may disagree with me because I placed Mentor last. A mentor is someone you trust who is probably in the same line of business as you or not. And for me, I had a different mentor for each stage of my business. Starting off, I had a mentor who helped me understand the Network Marketing industry better. Later on, as I move towards being a coach, I had a mentor who took me through the process and help me become a better coach.

So as a mentor, Her role is to advise and guide me.

MINE is to make the decision.

I had to learn to trust my guts because my mentor wasn’t always there. I used her guidance but built my confidence in your capabilities.

Also, I was not afraid of losing. Gary Vee said that if one is afraid of losing, the person already lost. So I saw the loss as part of my training and with that knowledge, forge ahead.

Fear of loss leads to indecision which leads to frustration and that leads to burnout.

To maintain momentum, I accepted that there can be losses, mistakes, and failures.

I accepted that found a way to minimize it and my growth was exponential.

Having the right mindset also plays a part in how far and how fast I grew business.

I believed that the odds are in my favor.

I believed that my offer was (still is) the best offer there is

I believe that I am the best Direct Sales Coach any Network Marketer can have.

These beliefs helped shape my thoughts, showed in the results of my work, and boosted my confidence.

With that, I was able to take more risks and close more deals.

The more deals I attempted to close, the more chances I had at being successful, and the more I closed great deals, the better I become.

So to maintain good momentum, I NEVER STOPPED SHOWING UP!

Action boosts momentum which breeds result.

Without a form of action, you will lose your steam and eventually give up

So, always aim higher. If you can close a 10k deal, you can close a 100k deal, a 1M deal, and so on. Always. Aim. Higher. Everyday.

PS: Struggling with your Direct Sales Business? I can help you. Click here to connect with me by booking a free 10minutes Discovery call.

