Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
1 min readOct 7, 2021

Let me share with you what can save you tons of time, stress, and effort in your bid to make more sales.

Everyone salesperson desires more prospects. This is because more prospects mean more possible buys, more possible buyers mean more buyers and that means more sales.

So how then do you find these prospects who are ready to buy from you?

With your products!

You find these prospects by selling products that people actually need and that not using your products will cause great damage to them.

Many of us make the mistake of promoting products that we think people need when we should be promoting products that we know people actually need.

So are you struggling with sales?

I read somewhere that the secret to sales is coming up with an offer so good that your prospects feel stupid not buying from you.

Look at the products you are trying to sell, do people actually need this?

Can they do without it?

Is it worth the price?

These questions will help you in your product positioning which will boost your sales

