How To Grow A7-figure Income in Network Marketing

Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
2 min readSep 6, 2021

It is no secret that everyone who joins a Network Marketing Company does so with the hope/dream/intention of making 6 to 7-figures in the shortest time possible.

Many of these people will have their hopes/dreams dashed because they will have difficulty attaining even 5 figures.

And these set of people will end up saying that the industry/company isn’t working or they will move to a different company and still without this secret ingredient, they will experience the same result: dashed hope.

Are these mistakes costing you your success in Network Marketing?

So what is this secret?

Before I go into it (or you can skip right ahead), you need to know that this secret works best with some factors and other attributes. So you will need the right mixture to get the best result.

FOCUS. Focus is the secret to a 7-figure income. Focus is the defining secret that will take you from a nobody to somebody.

You can partner with a great company, have a great product, have an awesome team but without focus, you will not achieve success.

Focus combined with determination, hunger, the right mentorship, passion, and cap it with patience is ALL you need. On its own, focus doesn’t have much power but together, you become unbeatable.

So you see, it is quite simple: you want to grow a 7-figure income in your business? Be focused!!!

PS: I recently launched my Signature Program: Mastering Direct Sales and it’s open to 15 ladies only. So if you are tired of struggling, then click here to register. We kick off by 1st October.

