Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
3 min readAug 18, 2021

Have you been struggling to promote your business on Facebook but not much success? You spend time crafting good content but when people are not engaging, there is no way you will have the customers you seek.

Now, we know that Facebook frowns at us promoting business in our profiles. That is why they have Facebook pages and groups.

But today, I want to share with you a few tips that will help expand your reach and also increase your sales chances.

1: Your settings should be on ‘Public’: Some of us keep our post setting at ‘only friends’. This limits your reach. What this means is that your posts can only be seen by people who are your friends. You need your posts to be seen by both your friends and your followers. So go now and check your settings. (or finish reading this post first)

2. Your Profile Picture: Using your product, pet, or your dream car as your profile picture may look cute but it’s hurting your business chances. People like to know that they are dealing with other people too. People generally distrust people who hide their faces in their DP. So ensure you have your picture up and if possible a personal picture with you smiling. That helps a lot.

3. Your Facebook Cover Picture: Your Facebook profile is your billboard to the world and your cover is the biggest billboard there. What does it say? Does it show that you are an entrepreneur who helps people solve a problem or does it say that you are a product peddler? People don’t like being sold to but they like to buy. So if they perceive you as a peddler, they will unfriend and unfollow.

4. The Intro Part: This is where many of us get it wrong again. We go ahead and put XYZ ambassador etc. See I get it, you are the product of your company and you want to shout about it to the whole world but it is actually harming you more than helping you. Your company isn’t who you are. It isn’t the solution you bring to the table. Your introduction should be about you. Are you a wife, a mum, a sales strategist? That is what you should put in there.

5. Your Facebook Posts: This is the actual where you do the magic. Your posts should keep people engaged and not repel them. Aare your posts valuable? Are they entertaining and informative? Talk about your story, share your experience, post about your life. Most importantly, short stories do a lot better than long stories (That’s why I can’t post this on my profile). If your post isn’t a status update, ensure you add a picture or two to it. It tends to do better.

These 5 Tips will get you going on expanding your reach and increasing your chances.

Bonus Tip:

6. Go live. If you can, do it! If you are still camera shy, do a couple of videos and share them in your story. The more you do them, the more comfortable you will become.

So now, you can go and check out your profile and see how to apply these tips and optimize your profile.

Have you registered for the Sales Fitness Masterclass? I will be sharing more about The best type of posts for Women who are building their Network Marketing as a side- hustle. So if your Network Marketing is a plan B, you want to register for this FREE 3 Days Masterclass. Click here to register.

