How to Thrive in Your First Year in Network Marketing

Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
4 min readJan 17, 2021
Photo by Elisabeth Wales on Unsplash

The first year of everything is one of the most difficult years in an entrepreneur’s life. It is usually one filled with doubts and concerns, fears and cold shivers, lots of ‘what the heck did I get myself into’ and a couple of ‘Babe, you have been scammed’ from friends.

I get it cos I went through all these stages and what I wished was that someone told me what I am about to share with you in this article.

Now, in your first year, there are a couple of things that you need to do to just succeed but to thrive. These are things that will ensure that you no only advance in rank but your income also matches your ranking.

1. LEARN: When you register, it is easy to think that the first logical thing to do is to start talking to people. I assure you, that is the fastest way and the easiest way to fail. At this point, you don’t know much about the industry nor the company. So by the time people ask you a couple of questions that you can’t answer, they either try to discourage you or you get embarrassed and hence discouraged.

Spend the first couple of months learning all you can. Read books on sales, marketing, public speaking, self-development. Attend events and training. Ensure you know just enough to be able to share the opportunity with a friend. And then arm yourself with third-party tools.

2. LEARN BEYOND YOUR COMPANY: One of the things that helped within my first year was that I widened my knowledge. I learned not just about my company but also my company’s top 5 competition. I did this sorely because I wanted to make sure I was making the best decision in partnering with my company but the knowledge now became an arsenal to me when I am prospecting.

Now, most of your prospects are also being prospected by other Network Marketers from other companies, and some times, you find yourself being asked by your prospect why they should partner with your company and not the other company. This is not the time to make the other company look bad but it is the time to point out the advantage your company has that others don’t have. For example, My company doesn’t require autoship and I know that a lot of other companies do. So I point that out to my prospect. Making her see that she is not required to purchase monthly before she earns. Now, I only knew this because I took the time to widen my learning.

3.CONSISTENT ACTION: Many people think that as soon as they sign up, they just sit back and things happen, no!. You gotta put in the work and not just that, you have to be consistent in it. It won’t be easy at first. Talking to strangers, showing people your opportunity but the more you do it, the better you are at it. You can’t do it some days and rest the others, no! It is a daily activity. You have to be in front of people either physically or virtually. But you need to know that the more people see you, they know you, then they can trust you before they can sign up with you.

4. ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER: If you notice, I didn’t say your sponsor or upline. I said ‘accountability’. This is because your sponsor or upline may not be there, as in my own case, my upline left my company shortly after I was placed in her team and my sponsor went on a 6 months business trip. I had no one to hold my hand. I had to get a mentor who became my accountability partner. She showed me what to do and also helped me in keeping track of what I do and the progress I was making. Now, we were not staying together in the same location but we were always on phone with each other once every two weeks.

Now knowing that I must give a progress report every two weeks, kept me on my toes and made me more determined because I won’t want to report nil to her.

Get an accountability partner. Someone who is passionate and who is willing to push you and see the difference it will make in your business.

Don’t depend on your upline. Go and build for yourself, the dream lifestyle you desire.

Follow these steps and see you thrive in your first year. Network Marketing is a beautiful business that not many people understand and succeed. But it is one industry that can help you fulfill your dream beyond imagination. If you are looking for an accountability partner, I have a Tribe called The Upskilled Tribe. This is a community of Ambitious Female Network Marketers. We do 2 groups of coaching a month and 2 1:1 coaching every month. We will be glad to help you not only thrive but become outstanding in your company. Do send us an email at or connect with us via Instagram or Facebook.

Building with you.

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