How to use Instagram’s new feature, REEL, to promote your business.

Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
2 min readAug 12, 2020
Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

The new feature on Instagram, REEL, allows you to create a 15sec video. This is like the Tik-Tok app which saw a boom in the last couple of months. If you are like me that jumped into the Tik-Tok boat late, you will want to jump in with this new IG feature. Now, this blog isn’t about how to use the feature (which is basic but you can read it here They did a good job of explaining it). This is about how to use this feature as a Network Marketer to grow your business.

You will agree with me that doing a 15secs pitch is near to impossible and not everyone wants to dance or sing to attract followers. How can you use it to build your Network Marketing Business?

I want to share with you what I did and how my very first reel got me, 3 new followers, in a day on Instagram. (3 is a big deal if you are new on IG like me lol)

I started this series I called SHORT ANSWERS TO YOUR NETWORK MARKETING QUESTIONS. Now, this allows me to type the question, and in the video, I provide the answer. The 15 seconds still being an issue, I now have to work on my answer and make sure that the part I played answers the question and I then use stickers and letters to add more meaning.

Since you have limited time and knowing that you are competing with lots of other people who are using REEL, you have to be creative on how you pass your message across and also grow your brand.

The series just started but already I am feeling quite good about it and for wider reach, I also share the same video in my story as well as Tik-Tok.

Go and explore this new feature. Find out how others are using it to build their brand. Write the information you want to pass across, break it down into bits. Can you pass each bit across in 15 secs and still make sense? If not, work on it until you can say it in 15 seconds and people will understand the whole story. And that is how you can use Reel to improve your brand and also build your Network marketing business.

Want to know the 7 lessons I learned from Billionaires that helped me skyrocket my business? Check it out here.

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