Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
3 min readApr 19, 2021
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

The success of your business depends largely on how effective your team is. Effective in terms of marketing, sales, prospecting, recruiting, and training.

You can partner with a great company, have amazing products but if your team can’t convince enough people to buy or sign up with them, you won’t be able to grow.

You may think it’s about recruiting people, that helps but if you don’t know how to train those you recruited for them to duplicate, you will end up being the only one recruiting and there is no way you will be able to duplicate fast enough or well enough to encourage the existing team you have.

So how then do you build a team that will not only duplicate but one that will catch the vision and run with it?

Here are three steps on how to train your team to become successful salesmen and recruiting machines

HELP THEM KNOW WHO THEY ARE: I have come to realize that people tend to give their best and more if they believe they have their best and more to give and if they also believe they are making a difference.

It is like giving them a sense of purpose.

Take, for example, I was watching a series titled New Amsterdam. There was a scene where a little girl started vomiting. Not long after that, the other children began to vomit. They thought they were sick because the girl was sick. This is how powerful the mind is.

The mind can believe anything you make it to believe and it doesn’t matter whether it is right or wrong.

When you make your team believe they are the best salespeople in the world, they start to believe it too. So you need to invest in a group as well as the personal motivations of your key leaders and they too will do the same to their own team.

HELP THEM IDENTIFY WHO THEY ARE: Helping them identify who they are without giving them a sense of purpose will leave them inefficient. And when they continue to feel inefficient for a long time, they either give up, move to another team or another company entirely. I remember a couple of months ago, I lost two people from my team. When I followed up on them to know why they said that they don’t add value to the team. That was a lesson right there for me (and for you too, I hope).

Make them team leaders, give them assignments and things to do.

Let them feel (and be) useful for then, they will feel they are contributing their own quota.

GIVE THEM THE SUPPORT THEY NEED: Equip them with training materials, information pamphlets, and above all your personal support. This can come as helping them with a 3-way call with their own prospect or attending a seminar that they put together or picking them up for an event. Give them access to you when they need it.

The whole purpose of training your team is to equip them with a combination of hard and soft skills to help them maximize their individual potential.

Giving them support could also mean holding seminars for them and their prospects until they are strong enough to handle it on their own. Giving them access to all you know about the business, the company, and being a good leader

Building a solid team is a necessity because it is this team that will ensure that your income is consistent, and with time, becomes passive if done well. Building a duplicable team is the key to achieving this. And with these three steps, you can now build yourself a world-class team.

PS: Do you or your team members find yourselves struggling with Sales Objections? I get it! What if there is a way you can handle this so that it is no longer an issue and you and your team can close deals faster and easier?

Well, I have a workshop just for that and it is absolutely free. Click here to register.

