The Best Side-Hustle Every Business Owner Should Have. And It requires no capital

Dr. Doris Essiet
Business Growth Tips
2 min readSep 21, 2021

A couple of days ago, I took a vacation with my husband. It was an emergency vacation, unplanned but necessary. Darling hubby has been under a lot of pressure and stress from work so we needed to get away for a bit.

We started looking into business expansion and growth. What we can do to add more income to the family that will not require us sacrificing our time together or the time we spend with our kids nor affect my job as an Optometrist. And that was when it hit me.

There are lots of amazing businesses you can build that require zero cash capital. My favorite which I want to share with us today is E-book.

Do you know that you can make a steady daily income simply from writing what you know?

Something as simple as How to thrive as a Business Owner can make you a minimum of #500 per sale.

There are 2 types of assets people will pay anything for Time and Information.

People will pay to know what you know.

My husband has been in the Agric sector for over 3 years. He has experience failures, he has experienced successes. He has grown plantains, water leaves, cassava, etc.

There are people out there who would like to go into the plantain business and are looking for people who have succeeded (or failed) in it.

Imagine if he writes about his experience as a plantain business owner?

Now, I know you may be saying: But Doris, I don’t have time to sit down and write. You don’t have to. There are apps you can dictate to and they will write for you. I use them all the time and I have written over 200 articles, 15 ebooks, I have monetized a couple and I still earn from them.

There is someone somewhere who needs the information you have to make a better decision.

Stop hoarding it.

God asked Moses: What is in your hands?

Today, the question is thrown to you: What Information are you storing in your head?

Put it down.

Start today.

When you start making daily income from this, you stop being desperate and you can then focus on building the business of your dreams

For some of my articles, you can check out my blog here

I also write for Medium here

I send 2 Emails every week to my 2871 email Subscribers. Click here to subscribe.

And a couple of other platforms: LinkedIn, Quora, etc.

If I can do it, you definitely can!

