NewArab comment
Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2019


Trump’s anti-Brotherhood crusade will further alienate US Muslims

“Comment: Designating the Muslim Brotherhood as ‘terrorists’ allows Trump to reinforce his right-wing agenda, and rubber stamps Sis’s anti-democratic regime, writes writes Sam Hamad.

With the news that Trump is working to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation, we’re witnessing the culmination of US far-right Islamophobic narratives, combined with propaganda against the group that has emerged out of the counter-revolutionary backlash to the Arab Spring.

No prizes for guessing who has been whispering in Trump’s ear about this, with the email from the White House press secretary Sarah Sanders saying this decision was reached after the president “consulted with his national security team and leaders in the region who share his concern”.

It’s been widely reported that Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who launched a murderous counter-revolutionary coup against an elected government led by the Muslim Brotherhood, lobbied Trump on this matter during his 9 April visit.

Moreover, Saudi Arabia and the UAE — both states that backed Sisi’s coup to the tune of billions of dollars, and continue to offer financial support — went on a regional rampage against the Brotherhood, and are known to have pressured or lobbied several governments around the world to join their anti-Brotherhood crusade.

It’s hardly difficult to understand why Sisi, Saudi and the UAE hate the Brotherhood.

In the era of the Arab Spring, the Brotherhood have often been on the forefront of protests and action against tyranny.

In Egypt, it was the Brotherhood’s political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, that did so well out of the democracy that emerged from the January 25 revolution.

“They had to dress up their anti-Brotherhood agenda in the language of ‘counter-extremism’”

The FJP became the largest party in parliament, and one of its members, namely Mohamed Morsi, became the country’s first and only democratically elected president.

The Brotherhood became synonymous in the minds of tyrants with the change that was sweeping the region — a change that might very well have sounded their death knell.

The Brotherhood in the 1980s and 1990s began to shift towards supporting what can loosely be described as ‘Islamic democracy’.

It’s precisely this combination of political values that conjure Islamic identity and democracy that made them the main challengers of regional tyranny.

In Egypt, it’s no surprise then that when Sisi launched his coup, he couldn’t merely stop at forcibly removing and imprisoning the democrat Morsi, but he went on a murderous rampage, involving the massacres of pro-democracy and pro-Morsi activists. Sisi then banned and ruthlessly repressed the Brotherhood and any force deemed to be supportive.

All of this was done with the express and concrete backing of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. And they knew that the counter-revolution couldn’t simply be confined to the borders of Egypt.

The Brotherhood would need to be chased around the globe.

Of course, despite the tyrannical and — in the cause of Saudi Arabia and the UAE — theocratic brutality of these regimes, they had to dress up their anti-Brotherhood agenda in the language of “counter-extremism”.

Following suit from Sisi’s absurd counter-revolutionary propaganda that would have you believe the Brotherhood were behind everything from Egypt’s constant power cuts to the rise of Islamic State (IS) in the Sinai, the propaganda narrative projected by Saudi Arabia and the UAE became that the Brotherhood were dangerous extremists akin to IS and al-Qaeda.

In this spirit, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who have the necessary economic muscle, began a global witch-hunt of the Brotherhood. This comprised everything from backing the counter-revolutionary charge of Khalifa Haftar in Libya, to forcing then British prime minister David Cameron to launch an inquiry into the presence of exiled Egyptian Brotherhood members in England.

Then, in the summer of 2017, came the Saudi-UAE-led blockade of Qatar, action that is considered an act of war against country that — along with Turkey — has tended towards supporting the Brotherhood and its general agenda of Islamic democracy.

“Trump is effectively targeting much of what could be described as the civil-political sector of American Muslim life”

Now it seems that they want the largest proponents of democracy in the region criminalised, and any individual, organisation or country that supports the Brotherhood’s democratic agenda could potentially be deemed by the US as “state sponsor of terror”.

Following the coup in Egypt, the US under Obama refused to designate the Brotherhood as a “terrorist organisation”, which led to hysterical propaganda in Egypt claiming, and mirroring the racist and Islamophobic attacks of the US right, that Obama was a “secret Islamist”.

In fact, one ex-Egyptian judge went as far to claim that Obama was the clandestine murshid (Supreme Guide) of the Brotherhood.

Read more: Racialised as white, treated otherwise: How anti-Arab hate becomes invisible in the US

US backing of the idea that the Brotherhood were “terrorists” and dangerous extremists akin to IS would’ve given Sisi a fully-fledged rubber stamp on his anti-democratic counter-revolution, while ensuring that countries who have given shelter to fleeing members of the Brotherhood would be transgressing against the world’s most powerful country.

Most notably, and now extremely worryingly for many Muslims in the US, this would include various charitable and political organisations within the US that are in some way affiliated with the Brotherhood.

I have long warned that the conditions of counter-revolution in the Arab Spring ought not be seen as regional. They are global and, in numerous concrete ways, have had profound effects on the world; from the anti-refugee hysteria that fuelled Brexit, to the rise of the Islamophobic far-right across Europe.

Enter Trump.

One can see in Trump’s actions the manner in which the counter-revolutionary agenda in the Middle East blends seamlessly with the rise of global authoritarianism and the Islamophobic agenda of the authoritarian far-right.

It would be folly to see Trump’s proposed designation of the Brotherhood as a ‘terrorist organisation’ solely through the lens of foreign policy. Though it certainly aligns with the agenda of counter-revolution emerging out of the Arab Spring, it also forms a key part of the agenda of the Islamophobic alt-right in the US and around the world.

The US right-wing have long held their own conspiratorial obsessions with the Brotherhood. Frank Gaffney, who believes that there is a byzantine Brotherhood plot within the US to “impose Sharia” on the country, has key ties to several Trump administration officials, including his national security advisor, John Bolton.

By targeting the Brotherhood, Trump is effectively targeting much of what could be described as the civil-political sector of American Muslim life.

Any Muslim charity or group or institution that had dealings with the Brotherhood would suddenly be liable to the charge of providing “material support to a terrorist organisation”.

“It also forms a key part of the agenda of the Islamophobic alt-right in the US and around the world”

Even non-Muslim organisations and individuals who host or associate with peaceful figures associated with the Brotherhood could be prosecuted on these grounds.

Trump could very well wield this proscribing of the Brotherhood as a means to disenfranchise American Muslims and further curtail their participation in US civil society.

In this way, Trump could persecute peaceful politically active Muslims while claiming that he’s simply working against a “terrorist organisation” and “extremism”.

Muslims who oppose the tyranny of Sisi, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and even Assad, could find themselves pushed away from peaceful organisations like the Brotherhood into genuinely violent hands -this is precisely what has happened in Egypt, as the Brotherhood have beeb smashed.

Trump’s move isn’t just the long-awaited official rubber stamp of Sisi’s brutality, and Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s wider counter-revolutionary crusade, but it could be a definitive signal to the currents of global Islamophobia, including within the increasingly anti-immigrant EU, to follow suit.

Sam Hamad is an independent Scottish-Egyptian activist and writer.

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Opinions expressed in this article remain those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The New Arab, its editorial board or staff.

Sam Hamad

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