
A Poem

Lindsay CG
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo by Ameen Fahmy on Unsplash

I don’t know what I’m doing here
Or why I cannot sleep
I feel this aching in my soul
A feeling that won’t leave

It’s been haunting me for days and weeks
And won’t leave me alone
It follows me around outside
And even when I’m home

I wish that it would go away
So I’d be warm and whole
I fear that it will always stay
And seep into my bones

I really do just want to know
How this feeling found me here
And still it rinses out my heart
And pours out all my tears

I’m starting to feel numb inside
Breathing becomes hard
I can’t feel a thing and now
Everything goes dark

I knew this aching would not go
You made sure that it’d find me
And now that I am feeling cold
I’ll see you in my dreams



Lindsay CG
New North

Sweater weather is better weather. Gin is preferred. Plaid is everything. • Poet & Lyricist