
Ramalingam Monisha
New North
Oct 17, 2020



Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I broke my arm one day
I stayed grateful
At least I had arms

I lost my arms one day
I stayed grateful
At least I had the rest of me

I lost my job one day
I stayed grateful
At least I still had a home

I lost my home one day
I stayed grateful
At least I had a friend

I lost my friend one day
I stayed grateful
At least I had me

I lost myself one day
I stayed grateful
Wait, what am I grateful for?

Oh yes, at least I’m alive
Alive and nothing to be grateful for.

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you don't have to be #grateful all the time. Thanks for reading!



Ramalingam Monisha
New North

I’m the words I write, the thoughts I think, the breaths I take, and the moments I live.