
Ramalingam Monisha
New North
2 min readSep 5, 2020


Where do you go to find yourself?

Photo by Lucas Newton on Unsplash

Stumbling across the endless desert
Only emptiness as far as eyes can see
Legs taking me further into darkness
Arms hugging myself for warmth

The sand sinks beneath my feet
Urging me to feel it’s concern
The sky crackles above me in fear
Letting me know its disapproval

The winds have a song of their own
Pouring their words into my ears
I walked ahead without stopping
Only half listening, half feeling

I knew I was going somewhere
But I was directionless
Still, I wasn’t stalling
Just following my feet

It was either the head, which was relentless
Or the heart, whose beats were fading
It was a bloody battle, ultimately
it was my will, I had to decide

Yet I knew from my struggle
There’s no real victory in this battle, only pain
That thought wound my heart so tight
And made my mind protest in suffering

There’s not a drop of serenity,
Nor a blanket of comfort
Only endless lands and empty darkness
It was difficult to breathe, painful to think

I felt scorched, but there was no fire
I felt drenched, but there was no rain
Dizzy, queasy and tired
But I won’t give up, not just yet

I have some more life in me
Some more breaths to take
Some more moments to live
Some more time to go by

I was directionless
Still, I walked ahead
I won’t give up
Not just yet.

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Ramalingam Monisha
New North

I’m the words I write, the thoughts I think, the breaths I take, and the moments I live.