— a poem of potpourris.

Let Me Go, In-between.

Let’s not let the past take control.

Lita Tiara
Published in
Mar 1, 2021


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

What this feeling?
endlessly choking and lurking about
What does it hold underneath?
Merely malice, just as I feared.

I know he’s here with me
but why doesn’t it feel like it?
Why does it matter, all of a sudden,
when they never had any weight?

Why does it matter?
His past; his scars,
healed yet see-through,
Why is she present?
The malevolent runaway who destroys life
out of hate and discontent.

They shouldn’t matter.
They happened before I arrived
to collect what he is and isn’t
that’s scattered across the void.

She doesn’t matter
Not now; not anymore
It’s entirely up to me to have him
or to not at all.

Let me go, in-between.

