Let Us Look Ahead (11/30)

Molah Wafula
New North
4 min readMar 18, 2020


Many a times we find ourselves reminiscing upon the good old days. The aged will always tell how back then it was better and simpler. It seems to be the curse of all generations as even the millennial claim their own childhood was better than today’s. but we should not live life looking at the side mirror. Focused on the past, we can never see the future, and ‘my people perish because of lack of vision’.


Having a vision is the ability to see the future and the possibilities it holds. Vision gives us the faith, faith breeds hope and hope never disappoints. Those who have vision will live each day regardless of the circumstances with cheer and gratitude. They strive to give and do their very best because they know what the future holds.

People without vision almost always tend to despair easily. When Moses and the children of Israel left Egypt, many of them lacked foresight. That is why several times they despaired against the face of any diversity; the Red sea, the lack of food, the lack of water, the delay of Moses on the mountain and the presence of inhabitants in the promised land.

When Moses sent spies to check the promised land, out of the 12 only Joshua and Caleb had positive message. They alone brought back a vision of hope that though there were giants present, the land was bountiful and God would give it to them as they had been promised. And we see that they alone got to live and enter the promised land as the rest of the unbelievers died in the desert. The older generation always preferred the labor and slavery of Egypt than venturing into new lands. They were constantly threatening to go back. They kept looking back to the life they were used to even though it was hard.

That’s the effect of looking back. We forget how bad things were back then as our memories usually play on us a pretty trick. It removes all the bad and pain from the memory and only leaves the happy moments. That’s why we are more likely to claim the good old days were better. We forget those sad and painful moments altogether.

When God asked Abraham to arise and leave his family, people and homeland to go to the land he would be shown, he does not hesitate. This is vision or faith at work. With vision, we are not held back by our past accomplishments and glory. We are quick to pick up and leave it all behind in pursuit of even greater achievements. Most people are stuck in past success. They sit and fondly recall that test they topped 10 years ago or being the first at doing a fete 5 years ago. They are not yet ready to pick up and leave for new lands.

Our lives should not be focused on our past. Yes, once in a while, we can take a look back to see how far we have come and how much we’ve grown. This is like looking through a photo album. Let it be sweet and fun but once we are done, close the photo album and pick up a mirror instead. This is living in the now.

Before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his family was allowed to leave and escape the destruction. The only instruction he received was not to look behind. Here was Lot, leaving his home and people he was used to for years. They had to pick up and leave as everything else was going to be destroyed. We have our lives and comfort zones that we are used, and leaving them can be hard. But with a vision of a possible future, we should fearlessly pick up and leave. Few are willing to do this, leave behind a 20 year career, or relationship.

Like Lot’s wife, many people are stuck in the past. They can be pushed out but will constantly keep looking back. These people turn into salt. They will ever praise the gone days and doom the coming future. They become bitter, resentful and angry people. Hating anyone who is optimistic about the coming times. They poison anyone with their saltiness and make even the young ones come to resent the future. Always complaining, they are pillars of salt and we know pillars are stumbling blocks to those who want to move forward.

Let us not perish, let us look towards the promised land with faith and hope that we are more than able to achieve our dreams and goals. Let us learn from the past but not live there. Let us look ahead and not back. Let us believe in the power within us to surmount new unknown difficulties. Let us be excited for the future.



Molah Wafula
New North

Describing life from what I see, feel and conceive. Becoming that which I seek.