

Ella Ananeva
Published in
17 min readApr 18, 2020


A story about what happens when quarantine lasts for four years.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

“Japanese Scientists Made a Breakthrough in PHLEVID-41 Vaccine Development. The vaccine would be on the market by the end of the year, sources say.”

Stark chuckled as he scrolled the newsfeed. They promised a cure every February in the past four years. Did anyone still believe it was possible?

But there are gullible people, all right. Look at this headline. “Six dead and ten infected after the homecoming party in Orange County.” Were four years not enough to learn the lesson? Stark hadn’t left his home since the quarantine started and felt perfectly healthy, not counting extra pounds.

His fingers rolled the wheel of the old-fashioned mouse. Stark skimmed the article about shopping automatization but skipped the next one, “Five Ways to Make Your AI Pet Smarter.” Lame. I can write a better one.

‘TES Online: The Long Reign’ released on March 25, 2045, got 9.8-star reviews. And he still hadn’t got the console to play it. Stark pushed the mouse away and got up to make some coffee. Dammit, no beans! Or bread. Or milk.

“Miri, order food. The usual.”

“Alright,” the silvery voice of his final project answered. “Expect your delivery within three hours.”



Ella Ananeva
New North

A published writer of speculative fiction sharing thoughts about who we are, where we are going, and why any of this happens.