New North
4 min readAug 16, 2024


No Manā€™s Land

Original image from Pinterest date unknown & artist unknown ( author takes full responsibility for the Copywrite of this image )

Sugar would look out at the scenery around him and would gradually become more depressed as his eyes lingered on the sights.

Date unknown and photographer unknown ( Author takes full responsibility for for the copywrite of this image )

The frontier town of Furnace was well known for the vast tobacco plantations, its opium, its coffee, and its prized meat rabbits, but these days he couldnā€™t imagine that there was much left to be proud of anymore.

Original image from Pinterest date unknown and photographer unknown ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image)

Post cab traversal and Scooter Transport into town, The two agents met with Valor Globus member of the scinocephali race ( a dogman) and mayor of Furnace town.

Original image from Pinterest artist unknown and date unknown ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image)

As they sat in valors office they listened as the gruff and grumpy old hound who was three sheets to the wind at the time of their meeting outlined the details of their case.

Original image from Pinterest artist unknown and date unknown ( author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image)

From what Sugar & Cassenerva were able to make out in between various slurs and drunken tangents they were in for quite the dangerous maze of a quest, one that would unfortunately require them to bind at least two wraiths that haunted areas of the county too far off and too dangerous for the mayoral offices to send poorly equipped & provisioned city guardsman or Gods forbid any of various precious Sentinel Musketeers
{ *cough*, Aka his strapping / well armed concubines} into the fray.

Original image from Pinterest date unknown and artist unknown+ ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image)
Original image from Pinterest artist unknown and date unknown+ ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image)

By the end of their meeting cassanerva and Sugar were going to be staying with Sugarā€™s parents for the duration of their case and investigations.

Original image from Pinterest artist unknown and date unknown ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image )

Valor before their arrival discussed terms with sugars kinfolk and had generously opened up his wallet to compensate them for their troubles.

Original image from Pinterest photographer unknown and date unknown ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image)

This knowledge instantly knocked Sugar off his pivot and made his heart drop, Sugar and his family had been estranged for decades and he considered them to be extremely toxic and more of a threat to his mental and emotional well-being than the rigors of his trade ever would be.

Original image from Pinterest date unknown and artist unknown+ ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image)

However, for the sake of the case he relented and against his better judgment agreed to test the waters via the classic family supper, and if things still didnā€™t work out between them heā€™d just as quickly rent him and his friend a room someplace.

Original image from Pinterest artist unknown and date unknown + ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image )

Furnace Town was a small rural community where everyone knew each other. As they rode the number 3 bus down to Sugarā€™s childhood neighborhood of Kingā€™s Ridge, he couldnā€™t help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. The memories of his fatherā€™s abuse, that loveless household, and his motherā€™s abyssal despair flooded back to him.

Original image from Pinterest but original artwork by Saatchi

As they walked up to the front door, Sugar noticed the Dong Tao chickens pecking at the ground in the front yard ( known as dragon-footed chickens).

Dong Tao chickens aka dragon footed chickens , original image from Pinterest date unknown and photographer unknown ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image)

Nervously knocking on the door as if a scared boy once more, his heart pounded fast in his chest like war drums before the charge. After a few minutes, his father with a thick braided white beard of long length answered the door, a scowl on his face.

Original image from Pinterest date unknown and photographer unknown + ( author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image )

"Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," his father sneered, his words like a hundred daggers piercing Sugar's heart.

Original image from Pinterest but original artwork by Saatchi

Despite the uncomfortable greeting, Sugar and Cassanerva stated their purpose for being there - to investigate the local disappearances that had been plaguing the town.

Original image from Pinterest date unknown and artist unknown + ( Author takes full responsibility for the copywrite of this image )

His father begrudgingly welcomed them into the home, leading them inside that quaint shotgun house for no other reason than to satisfy the bargain struck with Mayor Valor.

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New North
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