17 Jan 2017 — Part 1 — A quick recap

The New Publishing
The New Publishing
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2017

From The New Publishing to everyone!

Dear followers

First, we would like to say thank you for all the (great) effort to follow our project in the past few months.

As you may have noticed, all posts we’ve done here is in the form of documentation — what we do and why we do it. As a result, the main body of the project can be a bit hard to grasp if one does not go back and read through it all.

Therefore, here, we would like to make a quick recap of crucial ideas that made up our project, together with further development that Nuphap Aunyanuphap and Silviã Lãnfrãnchi has been working together in the past week.

Also, since we are experimenting with new (shorter) posting forms, the post will be divided into three parts.

  • Part 1 — A quick recap
  • Part 2 — The (most recent) development
  • Part 3 — Our name and identity

Why did we do this?

As a person who are working in the field of design and communication, we always seen a great power and potential in (physical) prints. From the past till present, prints have played an important role in delivering messages between humans (and sometimes…even further).

After finding a common interests in such topic during our study in Masters in Relational Design, we decided to join for thesis to take our interest further to realize a new publishing house that can exists in parallel with the current evolving digital age. We also liked to continue on the project after the masters.

What are we aiming for?

The goal is to publish and sell our first physical book by the end of thesis.

Here, we started with a little (big) challenge — we have four months to do so. Therefore, anything we decide is going based on that criteria —is it taking us towards that goal.

The five (basic) publishing steps

Taking that on…we then decide, based on our research, the five basic publishing steps to publish a physical book — content, edit, design, production, distribution.

After, we then explore/research/design one-by-one what is the best (and the most current) way of executing each of the steps.

Next up…we are going to talk about our (most recent) development — what we’ve decided up till now.

So..stay tuned!

N. + S.



The New Publishing
The New Publishing

A collection of thoughts/exchange/findings to redefine a new publishing house in an evolving digital era. More info — www.thenewpublishing.com