A Trump Supporter’s Guide to 2018 Midterm Election Candidates

Dan Bel
8 min readSep 18, 2017


There are many United States Senate and state Governor seats up for grabs in 2018 along with the entire House of Representatives. These midterm elections will set the tone for the 2020 presidential election. With so many different elections going it can be hard to keep up with every candidate and race. It can be especially difficult for Trump supporters, who have so few representing their political ideology in the government outside of the President himself. Here are ten candidates throughout the country who are running in 2018 who are Pro-Trump, liberty minded or represent the MAGA movement.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

Election: United States Senate in Massachusetts

Incumbent: Elizabeth Warren (D)

Elizabeth Warren may have a much bigger challenge waiting for her than she anticipated when seeking reelection in 2018. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is an Indian born scientist and entrepreneur who has earned four degrees from MIT, including a PhD in biological engineering. Shiva also invented one the world’s first email systems back in the late 1970’s while still in high school in New Jersey. He is a vehement supporter of President Trump and has been doing anti-GMO activism for years. Shiva has said he wants to bring a scientific mind to the senate to help usher in the technologies of the future that our current politicians are clueless on. Defeating Elizabeth Warren in deep blue Massachusetts would be a big win for the MAGA movement as it would cripple her potential 2020 Presidential run and be a major loss for the Democrats. As Shiva himself has said it is “time to replace the fake Indian with a real Indian.”

Website: shiva4senate.com, @va_shiva on Twitter

Austin Petersen

Election: United States Senate in Missouri

Incumbent: Claire McCaskill (D)

The runner up for the Libertarian Party nominee for President in the 2016 election, Austin Petersen has now registered as a Republican and is gunning for man hating swamp creature and Hillary Clinton wannabe Claire McCaskill’s senate seat. Aside from being a popular libertarian/conservative pundit, Petersen is also the owner and CEO of a photo/video consulting firm called Stonegait LLC. Petersen has begun campaigning on criminal justice, healthcare and tax reform as well as opposing interventionist, nation building foreign policy. With quotes like “Republicans run like libertarians, but once elected, they often govern like Democrats.” it is easy to see how he could be a valuable ally in the senate for the MAGA movement. Born and raised in Missouri, Petersen should feel at home and do well as their senator.

Websites: austinpetersen.com, @AP4Liberty on Twitter

Antonio Sabato Jr.

Election: California’s 26th Congressional District

Incumbent: Julia Brownley (D)

Antonio Sabato Jr. is a successful actor and model who has decided to now run for office. He is best known for his modeling work for Calvin Klein and roles on the soap opera General Hospital and various reality television shows. While he may be more well known for his looks, he has proven to have the patriotism and intellect to match. In recent years Sabato Jr. has expanded his resume to include entrepreneurship and public speaking. His patriotism is evident, calling the moment he became a U.S. citizen in 1996, “the proudest moment of my life”. Sabato Jr. has been a staunch supporter of President Donald J. Trump since early in his campaign and has not backed down despite being pressured, shunned and blacklisted by his leftist Hollywood peers. He would be a major ally to Trump in Congress and could easily win as Democrat incumbent Julia Brownley has recently been named by a non partisan data firm as one of the least effective members of Congress. Sounds like it is time to drain the swamp in California’s 26th Congressional District!

Websites: voteantonio.com, @AntonioSabatoJr on Twitter

Rick Scott

Election: United States Senate in Florida

Incumbent: Bill Nelson (D)

The current Governor of Florida has not officially announced his run for Democrat incumbent Bill Nelson’s senate seat yet, but many suspect he will be the GOP’s candidate come 2018. So much so that nearly all early polls peg him as Nelson’s opponent. President Trump himself has also urged Scott to run. While I am not the biggest fan of Rick Scott as he is a bit of a NeoCon, he has done an admirable job as Florida’s Governor and has been especially impressive in his efforts preparing for and responding to Hurricane Irma. Furthermore, he is a supporter of Trump, having backed the President many times throughout the 2016 election and his presidency. So while he may not be the perfect candidate, any senator we can get elected who will vote in favor of the Trump agenda has to be considered a major win.

Websites: rickscottforflorida.com, @ScottforFlorida & @FLGovScott on Twitter

Michael Snyder

Election: Idaho’s 1st Congressional District

Incumbent: Raul Labrador (R)

As creator of the website The Economic Collapse Blog and a frequent Infowars guest, Michael Snyder has shown a vast knowledge of the inner workings of the economy and the ability to spot economic trends. He looks to take his talents to DC as he runs to be the Representative for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District. Republican incumbent Raul Labrador will not be seeking reelection as he is set to run for Governor of Idaho. In a deep red state like Idaho, Snyder will have no problem defeating any Democrat in the general election, his main competition will be during the primary. Can he defeat the handful of well financed NeoCons and establishment GOP types sure to challenge him? Only with the backing of Trump supporters. Aside from promising to go to war with Planned Parenthood, Snyder’s other key campaign issues include restoring state sovereignty, education and tax reform among many other anti-globalist policies he wishes to fight for. If elected, the Trump agenda may have no greater supporter in Congress than Michael Snyder.

Websites: michaelsnyderforcongress.com, theeconomiccollapseblog.com, @Revelation1217 on Twitter

Carla Spalding

Election: Florida’s 23rd Congressional District

Incumbent: Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)

Someone is going to be replacing Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the Representative for Florida’s 23rd Congressional District in 2018. It remains to be seen if Wasserman Schultz will be forced out by vote or by being sent to prison (see: Awan brothers scandal). The perfect replacement for the corrupt former DNC chair in a Trump supporter’s mind should be the lovely Carla Spalding. Spalding is conservative minded Navy veteran, educator, small business owner, published author, registered nurse and mother. She has been working closely to defeat Wasserman Schultz with former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone. While Wasserman Schultz has been busy hiding in DC, hoping she is not arrested at any given moment, Spalding has been hard at work with FEMA assisting Hurricane Irma victims in Broward county. We can only hope to have someone as amazing as Carla Spalding in Congress to help support the President’s agenda.

Websites: spaldingforcongress.com, @carla_spalding on Twitter

Corey Stewart

Election: United States Senate in Virginia

Incumbent: Tim Kaine (D)

Corey Stewart is a well known supporter of President Trump, who began his career as a lawyer and is currently serving his fourth term as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Prince William County, Virginia. However, he gained national attention during his 2017 run for Governor of Virginia, narrowly losing the Republican primary battle against Ed Gillespie 43.7%-42.5%. He has now turned his attention to 2018 when he willing gunning for Tim Kaine’s senate seat. Stewart gained mainstream media notoriety when he used the term “cuckservative” during a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) on /r/The_Donald. Stewart is indeed an enemy of the cuckservatives, stating “The party is going to have start waking up and realizing that constituents, conservative Republicans, are looking for a more aggressive populist candidate.” Low energy NeoCon and ally to Democrat incumbent Tim Kaine, Bill Bolling has said of Stewart’s senate run “This is really a nightmare for the Republican Party.” It very well may be a nightmare for useless blue blood establishment GOP types, but as for us in the silent majority, we welcome Corey Stewart with open arms.

Websites: coreystewart.com, @CoreyStewartVA on Twitter

Dr. Kelli Ward

Election: United States Senate in Arizona

Incumbent: Jeff Flake (R)

There honestly may be no senator more disliked by the constituents of the Republican party than Arizona Senator Jeff Flake. Flake has consistently opposed President Trump on nearly every issue. Enter Dr. Kelli Ward, a current state senator and former physician. Ward challenged John McCain in the primaries of his 2016 senate campaign, but unfortunately lost to the household name. While she may have set her sights a little too high seeking to take out of the head of all swamp creatures in McCain, she should have a much easier time defeating Flake, who currently has just a 27% (and dropping) approval rating in Arizona. Ward’s political priorities include securing the border, repealing Obamacare and VA reform. She has also been an outspoken critic of warrant-less NSA data collection. The President himself has confidence in Ward tweeting “Great to see that Dr. Kelli Ward is running against Flake Jeff Flake, who is WEAK on borders, crime and a non-factor in Senate. He’s toxic!” Barring a major surprise it looks like we will definitely be seeing a U.S. Senator Kelli Ward in the near future.

Websites: kelliward.com, @kelliwardaz on Twitter

Author/Editor’s Note: Paul Nehlen, Omar Navarro, Angel Rivera and Kevin Cavanaugh were removed from this list for various reasons.

