Pedowood, Sexual Abuse Victims, and Leftist Propaganda.

Wayne Pac
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2017

Amidst the whole Hollywood sexual abuse scandals that keep popping up, it’s obvious to the regular American citizenry that Hollywood is most definitely rotten to the core. Hollywood has been routinely praised by the leftist sphere as a great example of “liberal” culture, “liberal” in the progressive democrat sense, not the real Lockean sense. Whilst the left praises Hollywood for being “so progressive”, there is a routine habit of sexual abuse by actors and film executives towards other actors, female and children. These stories keep popping up. Cory Feldman spoke out about being sexually abused as a child actor. Even Master Actor Terry Crews has been sexually assaulted by Hollywood big wigs. All of this following the Harvey Weinstein scandal, in which multiple women came out alleging they were sexually abused by him. These women include Gwyneth Paltrow, and Angelina Jolie.

When all of these prominent actors and even many other lesser known actors are coming out speaking about their experiences of sexual abuse by the hands of Hollywood big wigs, it makes you wonder just how rotten Hollywood is. The fact of the matter is Hollywood is almost completely dominated by the leftist influence. You see this in all of the political campaigns that actors launched against Donald Trump, accusing him of being racist, homophobic, a sexual abuser, and more unsubstantiated claims that could most definitely qualify legally as defamation. As well as all the inherent biases that people can pick up on during Movies and TV shows.

One big example of this is a show, that I happen to like a lot, Mr Robot. This show is published by a TV company, USA network. They made another show I liked, Burn Notice. Mr Robot is riddled with a lot of Marxist Rhetoric, and has a lot of anti-capitalist tones. During the first two seasons it wasn’t as obvious, it was about a CyberSec contractor, who is trying to bring down this mega corporation that owns the majority of the US economy. They did bad things, and the hacker wants to bring them down for doing those things. It’s a very typical set up for a “hacker” TV show.

Once season 3 began, the first episode had a scene in which the main character had an inner monologue, and he went on a rant about how capitalism was evil and Adam Smith the “inventor” of capitalism was evil as well. This really showed be the inherent bias that lies in Hollywood, and it showed their ignorance towards differing philosophy.

Adam Smith was not the “inventor” of capitalism. He was a philosopher that argued for what is now regarded as Capitalism. The idea of competition being good, the “invisible hand” of the market, and many other ideas that many respected economists base their work off of. In fact, many economists today make the critical distinction that Adam Smith was in fact, not an economist, he was a philosopher, he called himself a philosopher. Although this is true, he is regarded as the father of economics by many economists.

This is something that I knew when I was watching the TV show, so the enormous amount of ignorance showed by the writers speaks tremendously on the idea that Hollywood is biased to all extents possible.

I’m part Hispanic, Native American, and German. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, I stand at 6'4 tall. My great grandfather was a refugee from Nazi Germany during World War 2. He worked as an engineer, he was a very smart person. He worked on many projects, including a hydro car engine. Even back then during World War 2, people worked on the possibility of a car using water to power an engine. Something that my great grandfather said about America when he settled here was, and I’m paraphrasing, “Nazis had a lot of propaganda, but their propaganda would not hold a candle to American propaganda.”

This is something that many Americans realize now, that Hollywood, and the left, are in an excellent position to spread propaganda. Sometimes it’s not that noticeable, but many times it’s very obvious. When they are being beaten, they will cry and complain, and accuse their opponents of being racist, homophobic, rapists, and more insults, the same way they have been doing to Trump. On top of this, so many people are so brainwashed that they have no idea they are drinking the koolaid, they don’t know any better from what celebrities tell them on TV, they don’t know any better from what Magazines say in their pages.

Many of us do know better, and we are wising up to their “tricks” and tactics. We won’t be easily brainwashed by their incessant polarization of their opponents. Once again, people, protect your 1st and 2nd, and MAGA on!

