ISIS is Beaten Back, US Backed Coalition Takes Raqqah, The ISIS Capital City.

Wayne Pac
3 min readOct 21, 2017


US Central Command released a statement recently, congratulating the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the liberation of Raqqah, Syria. After the loss of Mosul and now Raqqah the terrorist organization is dwindling in numbers and leadership.

In 2013, Raqqah was occupied by Syrian opposition forces, and was in the middle of a very destructive civil war. It was then seized by Daesh (ISIS) in January, 2014. At the time of capture, ISIS claimed Raqqah as the capital of their Islamic Caliphate. During the control of Raqqah by Daesh, the residents of the city were extorted through Islamic law of taxation, many were publicly executed, and also forced into conscription.

On June 6th, the US backed coalition forces launched strikes in support of the ground assault by SDF. By September 3rd, SDF had made significant gains in territory. They seized the ancient mosque in the old city center.

Coalition Director of Operations, Brigadier General Jonathan Braga had this to say, “ An ethnically diverse force with local elements leading the fight, the SDF conducted a highly effective, professional operation in a difficult urban area to free the city.” He also added, “ They fought tenaciously and with courage against an unprincipled enemy, taking great care to move the population trapped by Daesh away from the battle area and minimize civilian casualties.”

Coalition commander Lieutenant General Paul E. Funk II said, “The military defeat of Daesh is essential, but not sufficient.” As well as saying, “We are still fighting the remnants of Daesh in Iraq and Syria, and will continue to facilitate humanitarian efforts assisting citizens adversely affected by a brutal occupation, who face a long battle to gain their freedom.” He subsequently added, “A tough fight still lies ahead.”

President Donald J. Trump also released a statement on the defeat of ISIS in Raqqah.

It seems that Donald Trump, is once again, a man who keeps his promises. He said we would fight against ISIS, and Islamic terrorism, and he has kept that promise. The fight is not over though, ISIS is just a name of a group. We still have to battle ISIS, and any other groups that threaten our values as Americans. We cannot allow these evil people to continually oppress people all over the world. We will make them realize that Americans will not sit idly by while they behead infidels, throw gays off of roofs, force women and children into sex slavery, and all the other things these despicable people do. They know they are on the defensive, they may launch small operations every once in a while, but they know if they ever tried to take America, they would lose in the worst possible fashion. This is why they rely on the leftist media and other figures that push for the abolition of the 1st and 2nd amendment. They know if we still have a 2nd amendment, they will never be able to touch the mainland of America. We will stand vigilant against the threat of Islam, we will protect our freedoms and rights down to the last bullet. Make no mistake, America is the beacon of hope for all people who love liberty. People from all over the world look to American freedom as the answer.

