Looking Back on Austin Petersen’s Facebook Ban.

Wayne Pac
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2017

A while back, Austin Petersen, candidate for Missouri Senate (R), had been banned from Facebook for 30 days. The reasoning behind the ban was that Austin Petersen was violating Facebook terms of service.

The purchase, sale or trade of firearms, ammunition and explosives between private individuals isn’t allowed on Facebook. -Facebook Terms of Service, and Community Standards

Austin Petersen, who has done this before in the past, was holding a raffle in which the winner would receive a firearm as the prize. Already this is not against Facebook’s terms. It does not violate their rules in any aspect. Austin was not purchasing, selling, or trading a firearm. He was hosting a giveaway in which the people who wanted to enter had to sign a petition on his website to be entered in the raffle. There is nothing about that which could be legally justified as the purchasing, sale, or trade of a firearm(s).

Petersen was notified of this ban on September 22nd. The posts that were in question were a Facebook Live Video in which he promoted his campaign page by talking about the raffle, as well as a status update that referenced the giveaway.

Petersen pointed out the fact that Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, is a political supporter of Claire McCaskill, the Missouri Democrat senator. This is something Petersen said, “Does not inspire confidence in Facebook’s neutrality.”

This isn’t the first time Facebook has targeted conservatives, or specifically 2nd amendment supporters. Facebook has had a history of targeting conservatives for any type of infraction or perceived infraction of Facebook policies. In fact something that comes to mind was the ban wave of firearms trader accounts on Facebook. This was a while ago, when Facebook didn’t have any policies that said you couldn’t “purchase, sell, or trade” firearms. Out of the blue Facebook decided to start banning all of the accounts that participated in Firearm trading Facebook Groups. After they had done this, and received a ton of controversy, they decided to update their Facebook policies to then say that you couldn’t “purchase, sell, or trade” firearms on their platform. This is something that quite a few 2nd amendment supporters remember about Facebook.

On top of the mass ban of Facebook accounts related to firearms trading when it wasn’t against Facebook policy, Facebook has a history of suspending and censoring many Conservative voices, such as Steven Crowder, and Lauren Southern.

Facebook and Twitter have a knack for censoring, suspending, and banning conservatives off of their platforms. Even Reddit administrators have had a history of abusing conservative users. These platforms that say they support the 1st amendment publicly, really don’t do it at all. They try to cover up for their obvious abuse of power against conservatives, but we are too smart for that.

It’s a shame that these huge market dominating, monopolistic social media platforms are all owned by people who are in bed with leftist politicians and the leftist media.

Remember people, protect your 1st and 2nd, and MAGA on!

