Shaf Patel: Fraud, Liar, and Betrayer of His Own Religion

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3 min readJan 5, 2018

As we saw with Failed Writer Ed Krassenstein, there is a new heckler barking at Donald Trump on Twitter each week. Always it’s someone who’s failed at life, trying to make a big breakthrough by getting noticed online for being loud and obnoxious. This week, it’s Shaf Patel, a wannabe hacker whose biggest claim to fame is that he’s disabled.

Shaf is like a lot of leftists on Twitter. For one, he opposes Donald Trump and rails against all of his actions, even things like bolstering the economy and reducing unemployment rates among minorities to historic lows. Second, he’s not an American. Yes, it’s become a trend on Twitter for foreign agents to try and meddle with US elections. Finally, he uses tactics straight out of the liberal playbook and calls everyone he disagrees with a racist and bigot.

The point is often illustrated by supposed hate mail Mr. Patel receives from supposed Trump supporters. Shaf makes a big song and dance reporting these accounts and blaming Donald Trump for their hate speech, but there’s one problem. Shaf Patel sends the hate messages to himself.

It’s not uncommon for social media personalities to have multiple, even dozens of alternate accounts for the platforms they use. What we see here is Shaf sending himself a message while still logged into his public account. With one little slip-up, Shaf has destroyed his reputation and any ounce of credibility he may have had.

So now the world knows that Shaf is a hoax and a liar. He is another dishonest liberal in a landfill full of them. What’s the big deal? Well, I’m immediately reminded of Yasmin Seweid, who was charged for filing a false police report. Yasmin claimed she was attacked by bigots who tried to pull off her hijab and called her a terrorist. Like Shaf, she boldly claimed it was Donald Trump’s fault, and like Shaf, it was totally fabricated.

Now here’s the thing. What happens if a Muslim is attacked for real? After all, hate crimes do happen in this country. Is the victim going to be taken seriously, or will the jury remember the lies and trickery of con artists like Shaf and Yasmin? Will the perpetrator face justice, or will the defense cite these shams as evidence? You see, in his attempt to stir up hate against Donald Trump supporters, Shaf has betrayed his own people. He cares more about publicity than the safety of his fellow Muslims. He cares more about painting Trump supporters as evil than portraying Muslims as good and honest people.

We at The New Right will always support peaceful Muslim Americans. We encourage reform among Islam as a whole so that the entire religion might be as wholesome and loving as our Muslim neighbors. Unfortunately, wicked men like Shaf are making life harder for Muslims everywhere. All we can do is work to expose his lies.




New Possibilities: A Post-MAGA Speculation is a sci-fi novel about Donald Trump and illegal space aliens. @NewRightNetwork