The Left is Responsible for the Alt-Right, Because They Hate Aristotle and Logic.

Wayne Pac
5 min readOct 21, 2017


I was reading an article that was published on r/TheNewRight, A fellow writer, Trolly McCoxlong wrote about a story. The story was regarding a girl that is facing disciplinary action at a university in Nova Scotia, Canada. The girl in question, Masuma Khan, had taken to Facebook to express disgust at a post that criticized a motion by the Student Union to not participate in the Canada 150 celebrations. Khan who is Vice President of the Student Union at Dalhousie University, is facing disciplinary action for “targeting white people”.

Khan labeled the Canada 150 celebrations as “colonialist”. Canada 150 took place on July 1st, and celebrated the 150 year anniversary of Canada. It’s essentially their July 4th. Khan had also stated that “reverse racism” isn’t real, and that people cannot be racist towards whites, because they have no way of systematically oppressing white people.

This is the topic I wanted to broach in this article, is the idea that racism is only racism if a demographic of people can be systematically oppressed. This is a common way of thinking for the left, they like to redefine terminology in different perspectives, and they then act as if it is a concrete axiom to postulate an argument from. This is something that is inherent in many leftist arguments.

Aristotle, the Lord of Logic

When discourse takes place, there is a rule of thumb for arguments or conversations, it’s called logic. Aristotelian logic specifically, is the predominant form of logic, and many (including myself) argue that is is the only real form of logic. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who studied at Plato’s Academy in Athens, he also taught Alexander the Great about philosophy, and many other topics. Aristotle was a practitioner of many different areas of thought, but the one area of thought that has stayed true throughout all the years that we have built civilizations is the field of Aristotelian logic.

Part of logic is the idea of axioms, which are in essence, definitions. Axioms are regarded as true, by all parties in the conversation, and arguments can be postulated from them. The problem that arises is when people try and change the axiom to then postulate an argument that holds no weight under logical analysis. Such is the case with the new definition of “racism”. For a long time, racism only meant one thing, that was the contempt or hatred of another race. This definition has been changed and bastardized over the course of the last 100 years by the left. Now racism in many arguments of the left is a situational definition, in which only white people can be racist because only white people have the power to oppress other races, or demographics.

So now, not only is racism only applicable to a race of people, but it’s also applicable to any demographic of people. Meaning you can now be racist towards a demographic of people that aren’t classified as a race, such as Muslims. This is a very erroneous way of thinking. Including the ever expanding scope of racism, the fact that racism is only racist if there is the ability to oppress the demographic of people is also completely idiotic.

The reason that the left chooses to do this regarding racism is because they need a suspect, a demon, something to demonize. To them, it’s the straight white male. The straight white male is the least oppressed and most privileged person in the world, according to the left. This couldn’t be more wrong.

It just so happens the straight white male in America, happens to be the most oppressed because they are at the bottom of the victim hierarchy, so they don’t need any help from society. Instead the taxes that people pay, go directly to fund black people, by affirmative action. Black people get government scholarships to go to college because they are black. Black single mothers get a government welfare check because they are black and single mothers. Many minorities are taken care of by society through taxpayer money. But the one demographic that the leftists do not want to help out, is the straight white male. He’s evil! He’s an oppressor! He’s a straight white male!

I’m speaking as an American citizen, who has Native American, and Hispanic blood in my veins. I am also bisexual, and hearing impaired. I’m completely deaf in both ears and wear cochlear implants to hear. My last name is a Hispanic last name. Even though all these things are true, I’m 6'4, blonde hair, blue eyes, I look white. I got hit with the genetic lottery bat during conception. But because I look white, because I have blonde hair, and blue eyes, I’m an oppressor. Even though I’m part Hispanic, Native American, as well as being physically disabled, the left wants to demonize me because I am a white man. Look at him, white male!

It is exactly this stuff that has caused the proliferation of Nazis and white supremacists. Most of them are purely reactionary people. Had the left not had such a big war on white males, much of the alt-right would not exist. We here are The New Right, are not the alt-right, but the left still accuses us of being Nazis and white supremacists. It is exactly this type of demonization that causes the large reactionary movements. Trump himself is a result of the left, and their Marxist rhetoric. They completely forsake logic, they turn to critical theory, they brainwash our kids into believing all kinds of stupid Marxist things. They are creating a war, and the war has already begun. We are fighting a war against the left, a war for our future as American citizens. If we lose our rights and freedoms, we will no longer be Americans, we will be peasants at the behest of the government. Join us at The New Right, become a part of our community, we will Make America Great Again!

The war has begun, and we are winning.

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