Crypto Regulation: Discussing The Future Of Cryptocurrencies

Published in
1 min readNov 22, 2022

Crypto Regulation: Discussing The Future Of Cryptocurrencies

Crypto Regulation

There is a battle going on to understand how cryptocurrencies should be classified and regulated. Keep up with this discussion by reading this post tagged “Crypto Regulation.” At its simplest, crypto regulation is the process of managing and governing the use of cryptoassets and associated financial products. Some argue that cryptoassets should be classified as property, while others argue they should be regulated alongside traditional securities.

So far, most regulation has focused on anti-money laundering (AML) and counterterrorist financing (CTF) measures. Additionally, some countries have started to issue formal guidance on how cryptocurrencies should be treated within their legal frameworks. Despite this, there is still much discussion to be had about the future of cryptoregulation. #Crypto regulation

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