Best of the Best: Sorry, Instagram the Website Is Good

Yes, I *know* that’s not how you’re supposed to use Instagram

Kyla Bills
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2018


Not to be like “Instagram is a better website than it is an app” but I need you to know that I truly believe this. You also need to know that Instagram was not in any way created to be a website instead of an app. It is, by any objective measure, a terrible website; a terrible website I logged onto probably every single day of 2018.

There are no DMs on Instagram The Website and you can’t post stories, you can only observe. But unless you’re a celebrity or super into fake-vlogging, that’s what we’re all on Instagram for, right? Watching other people. Instagram is like a huge weird panopticon we’re all willingly being involved in and Instagram The Website is the most pure iteration of this. You can only watch. You can only see. And — despite it being barely fuinctional — you’ll love it. Just lean into loving it and your life will be easier.

Trust me.

We’d love to hear from you, too. What did you adore this year? What made you smile? What’s the newest thing to bring into the New Year? Drop us a line at with what you’ve been into.

