Ordering From FoodKick Was the Only Good Decision I Made in 24 Hours

Ollie Willems
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2017

My past weekend was a shining example of how not to plan a Sunday lunch party.

It all started when I found out we were going to be working with FoodKick. I took the news, and boasted to my friends that this sort of service would finally allow me to show off my culinary prowess. They called my bluff.

And so, to save face, I had to host a lunch party for six people, while suffering through one of the most brutal hangovers of my life — quick aside: WTF, I used to be way better at dealing with those, is this what getting old feels like? — so thank you FoodKick for making the process absurdly simple.

And while I’m on that note, the Wayside grocery store on 3rd Avenue also needs to thank FoodKick, simply by virtue of not having me in a situation where I could conceivably get sick in the produce section. I may or may not have done that in my bathroom at home… like an adult.

Arriving home late the night before, I figured the only way I’d be able to pull this off is by shamelessly ripping off Gordon Ramsay’s steak sandwich recipe off YouTube, because apparently I can’t learn anything new unless it comes in the form of a five minute video.

So I not-so-soberly watched that, figured out the groceries I’d need, and set the delivery time for between 11 and 11:30am. This had two benefits: not only did everything I’d ordered arrive exactly at the time expected, it also served as a pretty handy alarm clock. The only thing I forgot was the lettuce. ROOKIE MISTAKE!

Rectifying that error during the slow crawl that was my dog walk, I then proceeded to pull off a relatively successful gathering of adults around some delicious sandwiches, that only took me an hour and a half to prepare. I am not an efficient cook.

The ingredients were fresh and delicious; I do wish the steak filet’s were a little thicker, though if I were only marginally better at cooking I could have adjusted accordingly, so that one’s on me.

So, to conclude, here are the things I’ve learned:

  • FoodKick is freaking awesome and I’ll definitely be using it again.
  • My friends are extremely patient.
  • I need to make better decisions.
  • Post-college, there is no such thing as a good hangover cure — the hair of the dog theory is total crap.

