What is Business Process as a Service (BPaaS)? — The BPaaS Definition 📝

Simon Engel
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2020


The tech and software industry has a long track record in bundling and unbundling technologies to create growth. The reason why it has been so successful is the simple concept of abstracting complicated features and tasks into different layers. These layers can be combined and are also used to build on each other. That’s what happened to Cloud Computing. You don’t need to run the hardware on your own, it got abstracted away so you can focus on what really matters for you: Running your code. This created the cloud models we all now. Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service. Is this the end of abstraction? I don’t think so. A new model called Business Process as a Service can be stacked on top of the SaaS model utilizing all layers below to provide companies with predefined, ready to scale, best-practice processes.

What is a business process and how is it defined?

Just to define a common understanding for a business process. A business process is a set of activities and tasks linked together to achieve an organizational goal like delivering a product, service, information, or decision to an internal or external customer. The process is in a constant control loop which measures if the wanted outcome got achieved and how it can be…

