The Composable Enterprise and Business Processes as a Service (BPaaS)— Best friends of IT and Business

Simon Engel
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2022


Modularity, composability, and reusability are terms that are used heavily in the IT world.

The basic idea behind this is that you want to mix and match capabilities as quickly as possible to deliver the right value to the business while using already existing services instead of developing your own.

Lately, the “composable enterprise” has been a term, used a lot by analysts and enterprise software vendors to coin a new era of enterprise architecture.

But what is this and how does it relate to BPaaS?

What is a composable enterprise?

Gartner defines a composable business as follows:

“an organization that delivers business outcomes and adapts to the pace of business change. It does this through the assembly and combination of packaged business capabilities (PBCs). PBCs are application building blocks that have been purchased or developed.”

In case you want a deeper dive into the composable enterprise, I can only recommend the following blog by Jonathan Saring. This is really a comprehensive overview!

