Where is the difference between Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) and Outcomes as a Service(OaaS)? — BPaaS vs OaaS

Simon Engel
4 min readAug 22, 2020


I’d like to clarify this question as it confused me a lot in the past. Is Outcome as a Service the same as Business Process as a Service? Is it different? Is it a subset? To prevent further confusion and discussion here my framework. Please feel free to comment, improve, or extend it.

What is Outcome as a Service (OaaS) also known as Outcome-based Service Delivery Models?

Historically service providers have been charging by input factors like effort measured in hours, person-days, or material. Sometimes this get’s measured on agreed quality criteria for the wished output which can end in some kind of negotiations. The example in IT is the Service-Level-Agreements for response rate on customer support tickets or uptime of cloud services.

Outcome-based Service Delivery Models flips this concept upside down. Instead of selling a service and negotiate the “cost per hour”, it’s possible to sell the outcome. A very simple example. Simon’s Lawn Mowing Company charges usually per hour until the job is done. Now with the outcome-based service delivery model, Simon’s Lawn Mowing Company charges only by finished mowed lawn.

