Why can Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) profit so much from Business Process Reengineering (BPR)?

Simon Engel
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2020

What is business process reengineering (BPR)?

Business process reengineering describes the radical reorganization and new implementation of organizational processes. It’s not enough to organize new departments and siloed processes. It's a fundamental redesign of the most important business processes to create value for the customer. It an absolute necessity to put the customer into the center of BPR. BPR helps to restructure its organization. Especially IT technology is used to assess the status quo, model new processes, and implement them. It’s also known as business process redesign, business transformation.

Why is BPR literally made for BPaaS?

Through the delivery of business process as a service is the customer already at the center of this business model. But what does the customer really see and get in touch with?The customer of BPaaS just provides the input factors and expects a certain outcome with them. How they are used and transformed into the output doesn’t matter at all for the customer. And here comes BPR in place. BPR gives BPaaS the opportunity to rethink the effective transformation of input factors into the output and change the process radically if a better way is found. This is absolutely aligned with the customer who through BPaaS also buys the innovations and best-practices which can be established. The feedback and control loop for processes is finally closed.

Finally A/B-Test your process!

A/B-Testing is nothing new in the online world and widely spread in marketing to find the most effective and “catchy” post, email, whatever. Through the BPaaS model, it’s finally possible to A/B test process with users and actors how they prefer to interact with that. This gives ultimately an edge as experiments for processes and process structure can be run much faster.

BPaaS A/B testing. Process A could be the default process. Process B with BPR created one.

