The Left Jab #8 (July 2022)

The Supreme Court Is Rubbish

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1 min readJul 12, 2022


Photo by Thao Le Hoang on Unsplash

This month’s news is (and was dominated) by the U.S. Supreme Court. Even by their own standards, the Court is engaged in a level of dishonesty that is astonishingly backward.

I will let the stories posted this past month and recently speak for themselves. In the meantime, have you registered to vote?

It might be a good idea to check your status. Seriously.

Right now, the city, state, or the electoral precinct where you live might be kicking you off the rolls. They call it purging. It is actually voter suppression.

You had better stay focused. The authoritarian era has arrived. The time to push back is now if you have not yet started.

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