A Rewarding Conclusion

Caleb Lines
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2019

The questions following the conclusion of my presentation were accompanied by fruitful discussion about where my research project could lead, and just like that my whirlwind of an internship came to a close. At a glance, the conclusion of my final presentation given in the World Vegetable Center’s auditorium meant my research was finished, my internship was over, and all I had left to do was pack up and prepare for my journey home. However, the unseen truth of an incredibly impactful experience is that it sticks with you, and the same can be said for my internship with the World Vegetable Center’s pepper breeding team. The ability to observe the world with a deeper understanding of the complex problems looming over the livelihoods of countless individuals is a skill that has been seeded into my soul by the World Food Prize, and each passing day spent collaborating with scientists at the World Vegetable Center has cultivated this attribute, allowing me to flourish.

The extent to which my internship was able to impact me was largely based on the extraordinary people who guided me along my untrekked path. Patience is a virtue, and I can only imagine the stress of working with new aspiring interns every year. Even so, my research adviser and the rest of the workers on the pepper breeding team were diligent in thoroughly teaching me the methods associated with proper scientific research, showing they weren’t afraid to polish the skills of their interns to the point of radiance.

It would be an understatement to say I am grateful for everything the Borlaug Ruan Internship has done for me, and the expansion of my scientific skillset will certainly bode well for me into the future in any discipline I decide to pursue. Additionally, the multicultural competency associated with spending eight weeks abroad in a new and vibrant culture has shown me how caring and compassionate people are from all around the globe, and it has opened my eyes to what the world has to offer.



Caleb Lines

2019 Borlaug Ruan Internation Intern @ the ARVDC in Taiwan — Complacency represses discovery