Gabby Goes Global; advice to my future self

Gabby Henrichs
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2018

My time here in Nepal has taught me lessons that have shaped who I am today, and who I will become in the future. I am confident that the lessons I have learned and skills I have gained will help me in the long run. I am going to take the time to write out what I have learned for advice for myself.

1. Adapt

You are going to be put in challenging situations, it’s inevitable. However, how you respond to those situations are going to make all the difference. Your comfort zone is nice but nothing ever grows, when you venture out of daily routines is where you grow as a person. The ability to adapt in new situations and places is how you make the most out of life. Accept the changes and keep an eye on the silver-linings, these experiences will lead to the greatest memories.

2. Perspective

Life is good. You still have a life that is yours and a future to craft. You have friends and family that will always support you and that is all you could ever need. The world will keep spinning, and the sun will rise again. There are people with much less and much harder lives — but it’s your responsibility to try and pursue equity for everyone. It’s not enough to simply count your blessings and continue on with your life, there are many others on this earth who need help and you are the one with the resources to do so.

3. There are no limitations

There is nothing you can’t do. You have the resources available to accomplish pretty close to anything. Work for it. You have the resources, you just need to put in the effort to make the difference. Work hard, work humbly, and work for the greater good.

4. Be present in the moment

This moment no matter how good or how difficult will only happen once. Embrace it all and be present in every aspect of this experience, it will not happen again. Do not get caught up in the electronic world and just experience what life has to offer. Cherish these memories and experiences, keep them with you and reflect on them when life gets difficult.

5. Go for it

I hate to quote cliche over-used slogans, but you only live once. Take every opportunity for all it’s worth. Find value in even the smallest experiences, there is something to be taken away from everything. Life is short, go for all it’s worth and get the most out of your time. Fill it will great people, good food, and unforgettable memories.

6. Be brave

If you’re feeling stressed, worried, or even a little scared; take a deep breath and clear your mind. You are brave. You are also your own worst enemy, your thoughts are powerful; you are powerful. No one is going to stop you other than yourself. You can do this, whatever it may be. You are strong, you are powerful, you are brave. No need to worry, stress, or fear. If things don’t go quite right the first time, pick yourself up and try again.

7. Nothing is really as big of a deal as it seems

In the grand scheme of things, what you’re stressing over most likely isn’t even that important. Minor compared to the world around you and the overall life you live. The world will continue to spin, I promise. Focus that energy on something positive. Do not get stuck in a worrisome mindset. Accept what you can’t change and change what you can. Don’t stress, it’s not worth it. Go with the flow… everything will work out in the end.

8. Never loose your sense of adventure

Above all your were made to adventure. Never loose your sense of wander and continue to experience new places. The world is far too large to stay in one place. Continue to travel and experience everything this world has to offer. Make sure you venture from the paved road every once and awhile and embrace everything that an area has to offer and tourists don’t get to see.

To my future self, make me proud.

