Mejores Amigas

Stefany Naranjo
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2019

What is the life of a 19-year-old like in Peru? One would think that being on a whole different continent would mean that life would be drastically different. I thought so too until I met Aleska. While we live in different parts of the world, our lives are amazingly very similar.

Aleska was born Huaraz, a providence of Peru, but moved to Lima to study Administrative Management specializing in Human Resources. She currently works as an HR Intern at the International Potato Center. She has taken interest in this particular field because she enjoys interacting with people and she feels that employees are an important part of something bigger and greatly contribute to any company atmosphere.

Lima is a very busy city. From the moment you wake up to the moment you lie down, you are always on your feet doing something. While jugling a busy schedule of school and work life, Aleska finds the time to have a little fun. Like most teenagers, she enjoys spending time with her friends and browsing the internet, but she also has a great passion for dancing! Everything from salsa to caporales, she uses it as a way to relax.

Life hasn’t always come easy for Aleska, she has had to overcome a lot of adversity to get her where she is today. The reality is that like many women around the world, she has had to overcome gender stereotypes. She explained that often times people treat you differently because you are a women. Whether it be your expectations in house roles or job opportunities many people and places tend to set a limit on the capability that a women can achieve. She hopes that future times will change and she won’t have to constantly be proving that she can equally do the same job that a man can do.

We may live on two different continents, but I noticed many of the similarities in our lives. I took the time to note the differences in opportunities we had growing up, but I also noted that we have very similar day to day lives. Both of the factors brought closer together. While in Peru, I have made many friends, but I am lucky to have had the opportunity to meet and call Aleska a dear friend ❤

¡Hasta Luego!




Stefany Naranjo

2019 Borlaug-Ruan International Intern | International Potato Center CIP | Iowa State University