One Big Step on Trusting Yourself

Renee Piekema
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2019

Named after Queen Victoria of England in 1901, Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world. Formed 400,000 years ago, this majestic lake is laying 225 miles long, and 155 miles wide; shared with three countries including, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. Lake Victoria supports the livelihoods of 4 million people by supporting the largest freshwater fishery in the world, producing upto1 million tons of fish per year.

One of icipe’s research centers is located in Mbita Point, Kenya ,on the shores of Lake Victoria. I am honored to wake up every morning with Lake Victoria in my backyard. Every morning and evening, fisherman are checking their nets and families are coming to the shores of the lake to do chores and enjoy the beautiful view’s of the surrounding plateaus.

Lake Victoria Sunset- Morgan Halser Photo Credit

Morgan and I usually enjoy the lake behind a gated fence, looking at the majestic diversity it conveys from afar; hippos, crocodiles, boats passing by, kids playing in the lake and 400 species of birds. We never adventured out onto the lake, due to the dangers of waterborne bacteria’s and wildlife. As Morgan and I were finally accepting the idea of viewing Lake Victoria behind a fence; an opportunity to go on a boating excursion was given to us and we jumped to accept the offer.

Trusting Yourself

As the weekend rolled in and Saturday came early, Morgan and I prepared for the boat excursion! An icipe employee took us out on Lake Victoria, and as I looked back moving father away from the shore and the gated fence, I felt a sense of uneasiness. icipe campus became my home away from home, and when I stepped on that boat I felt exposed and nervous all over again. However I did not let my fear effect Morgan’s and I experience. The farther we got away from the gated fence and father into the lake; the more I began to trust and enjoy myself.

The morning boat excursion gave Morgan and I a view we could have never experienced on the shores; watching the sunrise, fisherman checking their nets and all the wildlife. If I had allowed my nerves to get to me and stepped out of the boat, I would have later regret not taking the opportunity to explore Lake Victoria. Through this internship I’ve come to understand, that international travel and becoming an adult is learning to trust yourself; in the choices you make and the adventures you face. Obliviously some choices we make are not the best, but most of the opportunities we take to educate ourselves or learn a new skill, may be the best choices we will ever make. So, definitely leave some room for defeat; learn from your mistakes, and come to know your limits.

“Most of our regrets are about things we did not do, decisions we failed to make, opportunities we fear to embrace.” — Hellerud, Laetitia

I encourage you readers to trust yourself, so you may embrace exciting opportunities that come to you. You do not have to settle on the shores and watch everyone pass by, go out and catch that opportunity and take advantage! What do you want in this life? Plan and go after it.

