Pics or it didn’t happen!

Cassie He
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018

Here are those pictures I promised!

New blog post coming soon!

This machine gets rid of clumps in the soil making it easier for roots to grow.
This machine turns the soil on top of itself, destroying the roots of weeds and exposing harmful microbes to die in the sun. If you look closely in one of the pictures you can see me visibly straining.
The carabao pulls a plow that loosens the soil.
Hand transplanting is directly putting seedlings into the soil rather than just scattering seeds. You will get more matured rice plants from each seed but it takes longer for the plant to mature because it has gone through shock and it is more labor intensive. We also suck at it.
Direct seeding requires simply spreading out the seeds on a good plot of soil. This is much less labor intensive and the rice matures faster. However the rice are more susceptible to weeds and birds. We are much better at this.
This machine mimics the motions of hand transplanting.
And my fellow interns/rice farmers!

