The Importance of Youth

Sydney Sherer
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2018

What is the International Livestock Research Institute doing to combat world hunger? Well, that’s not an easy question to answer. It’s not an easy question to answer due to the fact that ILRI is doing so much to fight world hunger that I could write a novel on it and still not highlight every single aspect of the amazing research that is being done here. That’s why I decided to narrow this topic down and discuss how they’re encouraging youth from around the world to step up and tackle the issue that is world hunger.

One of the most important things that ILRI is doing, is that they are encouraging youth to take a look at world hunger and to try and find a way to contribute to the solution. At ILRI there are many interns working on a large range of projects. These projects range from measuring greenhouse gas emissions to mapping out the genotype of the local breed of cattle with the hopes of discovering what makes them resistant to tick borne diseases.

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Before I get to far into this blog I should probably explain what exactly youth is. According to the U.N., the definition of youth is someone who is between the ages of 15- 24 years old. While the U.N. tries to define youth by a set number, the definition of youth can also vary depending on cultural beliefs. In the U.S., youth is defined as someone younger than 25 years old.

To some people when they think about what impact the youth can have on the world, they may not think that the youth is old enough to make any beneficial contributions. That’s why it’s important that the youth is educated and taught how to make a difference.

When ILRI hosts an intern they are helping to educate and shape that youth and their future. I see that happening every day here on campus, when a scientist stops what they are doing to help an intern understand what they are working on. By helping to encourage and educate the youth around them, ILRI is preparing the next generation of leading scientists and researchers to help fight against world hunger.

To me this is the most important thing that ILRI is doing to help combat world hunger. By doing this, ILRI is ensuring that this generation will have the tools and skills to be able to end world hunger. World hunger is not a problem that is going to be solved over night. There are many challenges that contribute to the issue that is world hunger, but thanks to institutions like ILRI we will be prepared to tackle these challenges.

