The Silk Market: The Land of Haggling

Elijah Jay Ortiz
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2018

I truly believe that a little a piece of heaven fell off and landed above the Yonganli subway stop in Beijing. It’s a place where all your dreams come true. It’s a place that has everything you want and then some. This place is called the Silk Market. There are six floors filled with everything imaginable-clothing, souvenirs, jewelry, electronics, and fabrics — each with its own section. Many of the items here are severely overpriced however with a bit of haggling most times a good deal can be reached. More often than not an item can be purchased for half of the initial price the seller gives you.

Friend I made at the Silk Market who sells shirts

They have knock offs of every designer shirt, shoe, bag and even socks! Some are better than others, but they can all be bought for a fraction of the cost of the real thing. Many sellers will try to make you feel bad by saying, “you make me lose money.” Despite this they sell it to you anyway. I find the back and forth to be entertaining and find it funny when they start getting antsy. Each time I go to the Silk Market its a fun experience. I even became friends with one of the shirt sellers who now gives me much better prices than she did when we first met. There aren’t any places like this back home, so it will be a sad day when I visit for the last time. Until then I will keep hunting for better and better bargains.

Some pictures and videos of the Silk Market:

Watch seller did not like the prices my friend was offering
Shirt Store
Wide variety of shirts
Shoe store with many knock offs such as this fake Gucci slide
My first Silk Market Purchase!

If any readers ever visit Beijing I definitely recommend stopping by the Silk Market!



Elijah Jay Ortiz

Borlaug-Ruan International Intern at China Agricultural University in Beijing, China