Meet Dane Johnson, Programs Manager at The Nice Center

Dane Johnson
The Nice Center
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2019
Dane Johnson, Programs Manager at The Nice Center
Dane Johnson, Programs Manager at The Nice Center

Hello NDSU colleagues & new Fargo neighbors!

It wasn’t until the summer of 2014 that I made my first visit to Fargo — a Californian rarely finds reason to venture to North Dakota. But, in this instance, a creative agency I’d admired for many years was offering me a short-term contract to work as their community manager and writer. The role gave me many excuses to be out and about, meeting with business leaders and attending events, which even led to collaborating on an entirely unplanned side-project with new friends (see: Hammock Initiative). It was during that summer in 2014 that a spell was cast; Fargo had wooed me.

Over the next five years, I would visit, sometimes two or three times a year, to reconnect with friends and collaborators, getting my fill of this wonderful place and its welcoming people. Each time I’d say something like, “Hmmm, I really could see myself living here…I’m just terrified of the cold.” A very Californian thing to say, I realize.

Until finally, during a visit here this past summer, a friend mentioned a position opening up at NDSU that involved building out the entrepreneurial ecosystem at the university and beyond. The job description aligned seamlessly with work and focus I’ve had over the past decade, and so I quickly submitted my application.

Now, here I am. In Fargo. Winter approaching.

And I’m beyond thrilled to be contributing to this work, this university, and this community.

My arrival to town coincided with Women’s Entrepreneurship Week, so there were many events to attend and entrepreneurs to meet. It was a great reintroduction to this place, and inspiring to be reminded that the people here are humble, bright, hard-working, and eager to help their fellow community members succeed. I’ve lived in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago, but never encountered an entrepreneurial support culture like the one here in Fargo.

My first week “on the job” also allowed me to work alongside approximately 20 faculty and researchers from across NDSU in a 30-hour research sprint, culminating in a pitch competition, that explored proposal ideas related to the “farm of the future.” (Read all about the event here.)

Solving Challenges Alongside Our Students

In the days ahead, I joyfully accept the tasks required for creating intuitive pathways for students to strengthen their entrepreneurial skills. I know these skills are best acquired through experience and action, and so, alongside Scott Meyer, I am eager to program opportunities for students to launch their ideas and learn from their failures, with support from successful innovators and leaders in our community.

I truly believe students possess all of the energy and talent needed to engage our world’s greatest challenges, and I believe the community here is perfectly suited to incubate innovative solutions to overcome those challenges.

With all of that said, I hope you better understand why I am so grateful to be here. Thanks for welcoming me as you have.

All my best,


PS: You can reach me at if you’d like to jam on topics related to higher ed, entrepreneurship, specialty coffee, and/or reading recs.

