🎮Lowkey Flips — What are they?

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2 min readOct 1, 2022

Lowkey Flips, one of the toughest to follow and stay on top of throughout the reselling scene.

Lowkey flips are generally products that fly under the radar, unlike shoes and other hyped products from well known brands these products are usually from upcoming or very niche areas.

These flips usually include products such as:

  • mini figurines
  • hats
  • dolls
  • toy cars
  • pokemon
  • exclusive video games
  • posters

and.. well you get the point, lots of stuff.

đź’°So what makes these odd items profitable?

Lowkey flips usually come from very niche areas which have a almost cult like following. These consumers generally love anything numbered, collectable or exclusive and will pay whatever amounts to complete their collections. A lot of these items are limited to a production run of XXXX or even less which make the odds of purchasing very low.

❓How do you know what’s coming out?

That’s the tricky part, it’s easy to think of what’s going to flip but knowing what, where and when these items will drop is the tough part. There is so much noise in items out there that finding the “good stuff” can be tough.

Luckily for you, TheNorthCop provides flips and information as to why items are going to be good in addition to exclusive information and tricks to purchase any items.



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