The Entrepreneur’s Odyssey

Sarah Cilliers
3 min readApr 10, 2023


“An entrepreneur? Someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down.” Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder.

The entrepreneurial journey is a wild ride, headlong into the unchartered waters of innovation and growth. Thrilling, yes — but that’s where the sharks are. And as exciting and compelling as your vision is, you’ve still got to convince everyone else to join you on the journey — securing funding to cover startup costs, product development and of course just the day to day operations.

Navigating the entrepreneurial gauntlet as a fresh contender, the battle to establish credibility and trust with clients, partners and investors is relentless. You need to stand out, and deliver a brand, strategy and proposition that’s bold, memorable and irresistible — from day one.

That’s where you need a partner that can arm you with the strategic expertise you need to conquer the startup jungle and emerge as a titan of industry.

The art of the bootstrap

MVP. It’s the holy grail — the bootstrap approach that offers control and flexibility — but needs the ability to use resources wisely without sacrificing quality. How do you get there? By optimising every aspect of your business while keeping a laser-sharp focus on your core objectives.

Working with founders who have a clear vision of where they’re going, and the spirit and imagination to push it through is where we do great work. For Tidal Rum, we distilled that founder spirit into clear-cut investor positioning and punchy proposition for Seedrs audiences, thirsty for a sustainable rum-more-refined brand. The results? Tidal Rum got 175% funded in record time, and we also helped them secure a valuable partnership with P&O Cruises, working with the founders to name, develop and brand Golden Tide, the first rum blend to be distilled at sea.

Building credibility

This is vital for any entrepreneur. It means crafting a compelling story, creating a strong brand identity and delivering on your promises consistently. It’s not something that you’re going to get from Fiverr. A true entrepreneur isn’t interested in another cookie-cutter solution. They deserve a branding partner that can push the envelope, ignite the fuse of ingenuity and transform brilliant ideas into tangible results. All without breaking a sweat.

Enter Strange Farms — Jersey’s first vertical farm. Our strategic expertise helped them hone their messaging and develop a stand-out brand, design and investor proposition, turning a bold idea into a viable business venture. By creating a captivating narrative around sustainability and innovation, Strange Farms is well on the way to securing the funding they need to bring their vision to life.

Reputation is everything

A robust reputation is the difference between success and failure. Just ask any founder. But to achieve this, you have to be consistently delivering exceptional products or services — positioned to answer the exact needs of your audiences. Plus — you need to be engaging in transparent communication with your targets and forge lasting connections with new clients, potential partners and investors. Our deep dive processes mean we get to know your audiences — and exactly what they’re looking for, so that we can sniff out opportunities for you like bloodhounds on the scent. We love nothing more than diving headfirst into the chaos, dissecting the market and emerging with a crystal-clear vision for your brand that’ll leave your competition quaking in their boots.

Entrepreneurs, we salute you. We know how tough your hero’s journey is, and in a world where fortune favours the bold, we’re the compass. Let’s leave a legacy we’re all proud of.

