
08-07-14 Questions

Matthew Manchester
Theology Thursday
1 min readAug 7, 2014


It’s Theology Thursday. This is where we come together to help answer questions that others have asked, looking for helpful guidance to better know the Bible and its doctrines.

To answer a question, please click the comment box to the right of each paragraph/question. I will make them all public as they post. All questions will remain anonymous. You can submit your theology questions to calvinistbatman@gmail.com.

I’m confused. Why did Jesus have to get baptized? He said it did it to fulfill all righteousness, but was baptism a commandment or a law or something?

Did Moses really write the words “And Moses was the meekest man on the earth”?

It seems Judas didn’t start betraying Christ till closer to the end of Jesus’ ministry. The Bible leads us to believe (in places like Luke 10 and such… “all came back”) that Judas saw miracles happen through his own hands. Even though Judas was predestined to betray Jesus, didn’t he at one time believe and follow Jesus truly (hence why he evangelized and did miracles)? Doesn’t this put a hole in the once saved always saved doctrine?



Matthew Manchester
Theology Thursday

husband, father, reader, cinephile, advocate, and survivor.