Introducing: The Oracle Africa Literary Group

for the love of African literature

Fatima Mohammed
The Oracle Africa
3 min readMar 19, 2024


It’s been a while (almost two years!), and I apologise for disappearing.

The Oracle Africa Medium publication has been a wonderful platform that housed numerous amazing short stories, poetry, and essays.

The idea came to me when I realised that some stories might be too Nigerian or too African to find a place in available publications on Medium at the time. It would also be challenging to find an audience that could relate to such stories. So The Oracle Africa was born in 2020.

During that time, we published over 50 short stories, poems, essays, and articles. I want to give a big thank you to all the writers who chose us to house their amazing pieces and for keeping The Oracle Africa alive.

After a lot of mental gymnastics, I’ve decided to discontinue The Oracle Africa Medium page. A lot has happened and I’ve discovered there are publications outside Medium that cater to the needs of African writers.

However, the Medium page will still exist as a home to all the amazing previously published stories, we just won’t be publishing new ones. Writers are also free to remove their stories and publish them elsewhere.

The Oracle Africa Literary Group

It’s not the end of The Oracle Africa, though. I’m excited to announce The Oracle Africa is back as a new community: The Oracle Africa Literary Group.

Starting out, The Oracle Africa Literary Group will have two virtual communities: The Oracle Africa Writers’ Club and The Oracle Africa Reading Club. Hopefully, in the future, it will expand beyond these.

The Oracle Africa Writers’ Club

This will be a virtual community where people from anywhere in Africa who write or are interested in writing creative and literary works (short fiction, poetry, essays, articles, etc) can come together to support each other, learn, grow and discuss all things writing.

(This club will launch in April 2024)

The Oracle Africa Reading Club

This is also a virtual community that will be distinct from a book club. With the goal of this particular club being to ‘bring more African literature into your life’ this virtual community will not solely read books.

In an attempt to escape the commitment required of book clubs to finish a book a month, this reading club will alternate each month between reading a book, a short story, a poem, an essay or an article, all written by Africans. With this club, I hope members will discover, re-discover, and support African writers and cultivate a love for works written by their people, amongst other things.

(The launch date of this club is to be decided)

Thank you again to every writer, reader, and supporter of The Oracle Africa Medium publication. I hope you’ll consider joining us on this new journey.

To keep up with updates on the launch of these communities follow us on Instagram.

If you’re interested in joining the Writers’ Club, fill out this form and share it with anyone who you know might be interested.

— Fatima.

