
a poem

Edima Otu
The Oracle Africa
Jun 23, 2021


You don’t measure love in time,
You measure love in transformation.
Sometimes the longest connection
Yield very little growth,
While the briefest of encounters can change everything

The heart doesn’t wear a watch.
It is timeless
It doesn’t care how long you’ve known someone
It doesn’t care if you had a 40 year anniversary
What the heart cares about is

Photo by El Salanzo on Unsplash

Resonance that opens it
Resonance that enlivens it
Resonance that calls it home
And when it finds it, the transformation begins.

My heart has found that frequency
Of unbridled resonance with you.



Edima Otu
The Oracle Africa

When tomorrow is not promised, then ‘now’ is what matters. Share your thoughts, and moments with the world.