Forty years of Wreckonomics. . .
. . . delivered the stupidity of a regime that makes no pretense of knowledge, let alone expertise. It doesn’t matter anymore because the largest economy on the planet has been thoroughly wrecked and is surviving on massive infusions of credit to the hyper corporations that front the tiny, super rich elite. The bottom 80% have grown up believing that the rich must be rich and everyone else must just hang on under constant threat of squalor because. . . there is no reason.
Yes, the key is a completely new economy based on universal basic income and assets providing true public ownership of our planet. There are many other countries that have managed to hold enough balance to focus on happiness for their citizens rather than fear, hatred, and insecurity. There are now enough means of generating assets in a sustainable manner to guarantee everyone what they need and also provide the opportunity to excel at what they may be able to do. It is not one or the other. This is not the 19th century.
But there is no way to get there without going through or completely around the American disaster. Trump and BREXIT are lessons for the others. You can destroy yourself but when you are really big the wreckage may smother everyone else, too. The US needs to be put out of its misery and new viable, sustainable regions allowed to rise. Wreakonomics can’t be fixed. It can only be replaced and learned from.
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