Mike Meyer
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2017


How Close Are We to Kristallnacht?

I’m glad to hear that cities are continuing to work on this. I was upset, more than I realized when I wrote this piece. In fact I’m going to revise it and expand on what “growing teeth” can mean besides starting a firefight in the neighborhood. I still have not seen anything on the sanctuary city bluff being called by the regime. LA was hit hard, I think, and I’m not seeing a thing. I would think that this would drive action from the calexit folks. But I guess ordinary Latinos being captured and disappeared from their families isn’t really a big enough issue to risk themselves over. I should stop before I get upset again as I want to make this into an aggressive but nonviolent appeal just because I’m almost certain it is going to turn violent quickly.

We have lost any knowledge of history, I fear a Kristallnacht, and have lost philosophy as the foundation of ethics and morality. Western religion has been brain dead for two hundred years except for the zombie cults that began in the US in the 1840s (the source of ‘fundamentalism’) and are the only remnant of Christianity still feeding on people’s brains today. Another form of authoritarian domination that works to destroy both philosophy and dynamic human spirituality that is finally starting to grow in openness and scientific light. And, yes, I know there are a many good people struggling to maintain the old elements of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic thought but they are, I think, nearly exhausted from carrying the long dead carcass on their backs. Not to mention the miasma of death both old and new that follows them around as they must denounce the zombies who claim their faith.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/