How will it begin?

The time approaches

Mike Meyer
4 min readOct 29, 2017


The beginning of the end . . .

The end. The impossible break into violence. A point at the which the Trump regime lurches into action and is met with the culmination of anger, disgust, outrage, and refusal to accept fascist corruption. And that culmination demands action by the people via their remaining representative entities that are empowered for defense of the people. How will the revolution begin?

No, no, no, this can’t happen. We are dealing with this. We are waiting for the slowly, grinding gears of government. The next election will straighten things up and the craziness will end. The corrupt, the insane, the bigots, the criminals will meet justice. We are all just waiting for the promised action of Justice. The worst will be brought into custody and will face the truth. Look, we’ve been told that it has finally started. Rumors of indictments. Another endless crescendo of tweets, of lies, absurdities, mindless accusations will be righteously ignored by the representatives of the people’s justice. Its beginning now. Finally. May we hope.

We can hope that this is, finally, the beginning of the end of a terrible mistake. The full admission of a national failure that must be made right. Or maybe not. What if it is the unthinkable start to the other end. The end of the nation as we have known it?

This can’t go on. And the forces have built like the pressures of a tectonic fault. No one knows exactly where and when the first break will come. The triggering event that initiates the shift that causes destruction and large scale change. As pressures build along the lines of potentiality many correcting actions must be taken to bring the pressure down without an uncontrollable change. We have no way to do that for the tectonic structure of our planet. For our national structure we depend on our political system, institutions, and, ultimately, our local governments from urban region to states, to control the pressures of injustice and outrage at oppression and inhuman acts. Our federal government, however blind and late in action, has mostly been the final protection against injustice and inhuman acts when faced with inescapable reality of ignoring the constitution. This system has held against the range of illegal acts, but what happens when the pressures have built not just by illegal acts but inhuman acts perpetrated at the federal level protected by a pretense of legality? And the constitution is completely ignored.

Historically these triggering events have surprised and amazed many societies when their end began. When things that should not have resulted in cataclysm never the less did and shocking, brutal change began. A few deaths, nothing to worry about. Then a few more. And the election doesn’t change anything. More people disappear. But wait, they were citizens. That can’t be happening and we’re told it is all lies. We wait until we can’t ignore it anymore

Brace yourselves. The eleven months of insanity, corruption becoming more and more blatant, the sneering denial of need in Puerto Rico, racism completely unchallenged except in the minds of the majority of the people, imprisonment of tens of thousands of ordinary people whose only crime was believing the American dream, threats and brutal destruction of families for the pleasure of those who hate, promises of financial ruin and physical suffering for the benefit of the rich, and the complete loss of any moral sense. Only some of our states have reacted but others have surged to embrace the ignorance and bigotry. But many cities have tried to hold some morality and reserve any act of support for the inhuman wave. Only mockery was the result and the unacknowledged atrocities proliferate. A sick child is kidnapped from hospital and imprisoned to taunt her parents. The forces of evil have confidence in their control and this will happen again. Is that where it will start? An imprisoned child? A city? Followed by a state?

It seems difficult to see how the hollowed out structure of the Department of Justice led by a bigot, known hater, and white supremacist will support any real attack on their own. Yet that appears to be the only hope as the nation teeters on the brink of action. Or ultimate, unforgivable failure. And I’m afraid. Have we swallowed our anger so long we have no stomach left for justice? We’ve learned to live with our shame and that is all there is?

Simply leave us to our paychecks. This time we will feel the trickle. They promised, again. Business is booming for the ones who own the drums. But the drums are actually empty and so is the noise that they make.

How will it begin? Or will it only end?



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at