Mike Meyer
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2017


I suppose that if you squint one eye and close the other with your head cocked a certain way you can see a future for the US political system. The last hope was Bernie in 2016 but even that would have only produced a nicer cripple rather than monster cripple we got. The work on millennial statistics is very good but they are disconnected because they see the rest of the world and know, already, what they are not going to have. So why waste more time on a dying system.

The entire hyper-capitalist, neoliberal, and semi-democratic system of nation state government is exhausted. Shit, the whole nation-state thing is exhausted. We have bigger problems than anyone wants to look at. I don’t even want to look at it and I find myself writing about it all over the place because I don’t want to spend my declining years waiting for the gestapo to knock or complete global panic to set in.

At least recognize the problem. Nation-states allowed a more rational governmental system to develop in support of the new economic idea of markets driven by greed, sorry, profit. The full cycle historically can be bracketed by Shakespeare’s Shylock at the start and Donald Trump at the other end. Emphasis on end. We managed to make greed into good but it has never really set very well so a certain dynamic evolved to counter the bad of greed with the good of greed until we hit the problem of sustainability. Ooops. It seems we have driven a stake through the heart of our planet, at least as far as the survival of us mamalian types goes, and our system requires that we pound harder and maybe add a few more stakes to keep this going. Wait a minute. Everything we have is totally dependent on growth so our very tattered trickle down economics, that hasn’t trickled worth a crap for the last twenty years, can start trickling again.

Folks, the problem is not proportional representation or twenty years to start a constitutional amendment to maybe replace the electoral college and then another one to make all votes equal. What we need exists only in smaller, urban centered regional administrations with planetary alliances that has direct, online citizen involvement, and the flexibility to change with the speed of social media. But these need AI based process management and rules that prevent greed and ignorance from taking power in any way shape or form and a very detailed list of guaranteed rights for all clearly articulated. Everything else is open and flexible.

That’s my suggestion. . .



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/